Hi Razmon,

I have a question related to  the multi-interface support in ns2
- In Listing 4.4: hdr->iface() = addr(), addr is index of the interface 
that received this packet. But how can I get that value (which variant 
or function)
- And in struct hdr_cmn (packet.h) there is a field name iface_ to store 
received interface index. Can I use it in Listing 4.4 like hdr->iface_ = xxx

Best regards,

Ramon Aguero wrote:
> Hi Shahatha,
> As we say in the report we didn't use aodv, so we really appreciate that 
> you work on this, it would be good trying to extend the report with your 
> own experience on AODV.
> We have been doing a quick overlook of the aodv code (which we have not 
> personally used that much) and this is what we can tell for the listings of 
> chapter 5:
> - Listing 5.3 has to be used whenever the AODV needs to send a broadcast 
> packet, which happens, as far as we can tell, in the following methods of 
> the aodv.cc file: sendRequest, sendError, sendHello and forward; in this 
> latter case only when the destination address is broadcast. In all of this, 
> you should have the following command:
> Scheduler::instance().schedule(target_,pkt,*); --- * means either 0 or JITTER
> and you should change it for listing 5.3.
> - Listing 5.4 has to be used instead of the unicast transmissions of 
> aodv.cc, this time in sendReply and forward methods. In this case, the 
> Iface variable has to be the appropriate interface index, which needs to be 
> stored within the corresponding route table entry (see section 5.3 of the 
> document).
> - Listing 5.5 is the one that allows you to get the correct interface. When 
> you have to create a route table entry, you need to indicate the 
> corresponding index for the output interface, which will be used afterwards 
> to send packets (see previous answer). This means that the corresponding 
> struct/class for your route table entry needs to be updated, so as to be 
> able to keep this index.
> Thanks to the changes of the mac-802_11.cc file (listing 4.6), the required 
> value is store on the common header of the packet, that's the cmnh variable 
> of the listing. Iface will just hold the index that will be used for 
> creating/updating the route table entry. After a quick overlook of the 
> code, this seems to be needed in two methods: recvRequest and recvReply.
> Cheers,
> Ramón
> At 10:53 18/01/2007, Shahatha wrote:
>> Hello,
>>   did any one implement the extension of ns-2 for multi-channel
>>   from Ramon Aguero at:
>>   http://personales.unican.es/aguerocr>http://personales.unican.es/aguerocr
>> "many thanks for Ramon Aguero for his Dokument."
>>   i have some problems at Chapter 5, where to add the listing 5.3 Listing 
>> 5.5 and Listing 5.6
>>   in routingAgent.cc. (AODV.cc)
>>   i choice  the AODV ad hoc routing agent to change.
>>   i think i can copy the Listing above 1 by 1 to the AODV.cc.!!!!
>>   thanks
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