
Have you thought about writing a script to do this calcuation (adding
up) for you?

There are plenty of AWK scripts out there that give good examples.


On 04/02/07, Muhammad Azam Akram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> i want to calculate number of collisions in trace file. somebody told me to 
> count simply COL in trace files.
> This is not appropriate way for me because i have many traffic flows and each 
> flow has 10000 packets, so it is very very difficult to count colllisions.
> I would be greatly thankful to you if you provide other solution.
> waiting to get urgent reply.
> thank you.
> Muhammad Azam Akram
> MSc Communication & Interactivity
> Linköping University,
> Linköping, Sweden.
> Address: Tröskaregatan 11,
> Lambohov 58333,
> Linköping, Sweden.
> Mobile: 00 46 73 569 06 77
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