Hi all i tested directed diffusion using scriptGeneratorTool of mannasim and 
the resulted tcl script gives me the folowing error.
can anyone help me to correct it?

$ ns diffusion.tcl
Initializing MannaSim Script...
Setting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 100

Nodes count:
 - 1 access points
 - 10 common nodes
 - 0 cluster heads
 - 11 nodes
 - Directed_Diffusion routing protocol
 - LL link layer
 - Phy/WirelessPhy network interface

Scenario size: 100.0 x 100.0

Using trace.tr as trace file
num_nodes is set 11
Creating an access point...
Setting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 100
Using mica 2 mote settings
Setting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 100
warning: Please use -channel as shown in tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tcl

    (_o15 cmd line 1)
    invoked from within
"_o15 cmd addr"
    invoked from within
"catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
    invoked from within
"if [catch "$self cmd $args" ret] {
set cls [$self info class]
global errorInfo
set savedInfo $errorInfo
error "error when calling class $cls: $args" $..."
    (procedure "_o15" line 2)
    (SplitObject unknown line 2)
    invoked from within
"_o15 addr"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval $node addr $args"
    ("Directed_Diffusion" arm line 2)
    invoked from within
"switch -exact $routingAgent_ {
set ragent [$self create-dsdv-agent $node]
$self at 0.0 "$node start-dsr"
set ragent [$self cre..."
    (procedure "_o3" line 11)
    (Simulator create-wireless-node line 11)
    invoked from within
"_o3 create-wireless-node"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval $self create-wireless-node $args"
    (procedure "_o3" line 23)
    (Simulator node line 23)
    invoked from within
"$ns_ node"
    (procedure "create_access_point" line 11)
    invoked from within
"create_access_point $local(energy) $local(x) $local(y) $local(z) $local(start)
    (file "diffusion.tcl" line 590)

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