Hi all,

I have a routing problem in OBS extension of Ns-2. Usually, when we don't
specify routing protocol to be used in the ns-2, the ns-2 will automatically
run static routing using shortest path algorithm and create routing table
for the simulation. In the OBS extension of ns-2, It defines its own
classifier (CoreClassifier) instead of using the normol classifier of the
node. Then It is replaced the normal classifier by the CoreClassifier by
using this tcl script

    set cl [new Classifier/BaseClassifier/CoreClassifier]
    $n set classifier_ $cl
    [$n set classifier_] set address_ $nodeid

and I have to call the procedure"build-routing-table" created by the coder
of this extension in order to create normal routing table for static
shortest path

The problem is I want to run Link-state protocol instead of Static routing.
Then instead of calling the procedure "build-routing-table", I use normal
ns-2 script to activate Link-state protocol, which is

$ns rtproto LS

But when I run it, it generate error message like this
*"Scheduler:attempt to schedule the event with null handler.Don't do that"*
I guess this is because the simulation have empty routing table --> routing
routing table is created yet

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