Hi ns users,

I am facing a problem in analysing the Wireless trace file format.I have
given the exanmple below and tried to explain my problem for which i have
used *Bold Font*


r 40.639943 _1_ AGT --- 1569 tcp 1032 [a2 1 2 800]  ------ *[0:1 1:0 32 1] *[35
0] 2 0.

My problem is explained using the above trace line which i got as output
here the second square brackets which is shown in bold format which concern
the IP addresses of the source and destination , then the number 32 in the
second square brackets which represent the ttl(Time to live) of the packet.

I am not able to understand the IP addresses of source and destination
i.e0:1 and 1:0 wheather this denotes the mobile node id of the source
that is
0:1 represents the source mobile id when the packet is transmitted from
mobile node 0 to mobile node1 and when the packet is recieved at the
destination the packet it is denoted as 1:0 which says that the packet was
sent and recieved at the destination by mobile node1 which was sent from
mobile node 0.

This is my observation and analysis .Kindly give your valuble suggestions
and comments so that i can correct myself if the observation is wrong.

suggesstions and comments are most welcome

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