could you please tell me how to execute this file, i mean exactly what
command should i type in,
i saved this file as "throughput.awk"...
then i changed the cat ( from $TMP/ | perl column 3 0 2 1 |
sort -g | ) to
i tried awk -f throughput.awk > outfile

the I tried the command awk -f throughput.awk > outfile

i get various errors after executing this. please help me...


> echo "[$1:$2:$3] ...Obteniendo bytes/packets/flows sent/dropped TCP "
> cat $TMP/ | perl column 3 0 2 1 | sort -g |
> awk '
>    BEGIN { max = 0 }
>    {
>      # i          = fid
>      # flujo[i,1] = packets_arrivals (+)
>      # flujo[i,2] = packets_drops    (d)
>      # flujo[i,3] = packets_sent     (-)
>      # flujo[i,4] = bytes_arrivals
>      # flujo[i,5] = bytes_drops
>      # flujo[i,6] = bytes_sent
>      # flujo[i,7] = instante inicio
>      # flujo[i,8] = instante final
>      i      = $1;
>      tiempo = $4;
>      evento = $2;
>      max = ((i > max) ? i : max);
>      contabilizar = 0;
>      if (evento == "+") {
>         flujo[i,1]++;
>         flujo[i,4] += $3;
>         contabilizar = 1;
>      } else if (evento == "d") {
>         flujo[i,2]++;
>         flujo[i,5] += $3;
>         contabilizar = 1;
>      } else if (evento == "-") {
>         flujo[i,3]++;
>         flujo[i,6] += $3;
>         contabilizar = 1;
>      }
>      if (contabilizar == 1) {
>         tiempo = $4;
>         if (flujo[i,7] == 0) { flujo[i,7]= tiempo };
>         if (flujo[i,8] == 0) { flujo[i,8]= tiempo };
>         if ( tiempo < flujo[i,7]) { flujo[i,7] = tiempo};
>         if ( tiempo > flujo[i,8]) { flujo[i,8] = tiempo};
>      }
>    }
>    END {
>       for (i=0; i<=max ; i++) {
>         lapsus = flujo[i,8] - flujo[i,7];
>         if ( lapsus > 0 ) {
> printf("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%f\n",i,flujo[i,1],flujo[i,2],flujo[i,3],flujo[i,4],flujo[i,5],flujo[i,6],lapsus)
> }
>       }
>    }' > $TMP/tcp_flows.dat
> #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> #::: FIN
> #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

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