Dear all:

I am trying to install aodv-uu to well-installed SNS (the most updated
version),however it generates a lot of compilation error from and other associated files, after I spent two days to fix
all of bugs, finally no compilation error, but, it gave me a thousand
of lines of link error, as follows:
(Background:SNS used older version NS2, tcl8.3.2. otcl 1.0a11,
tclcl1.15, I also tried to build SNS based on newer version of NS2, it
failed completely. The problem is that aodv-uu seems like requiring
higher GCC compiler than 3.3, and SNS requires lower GCC such as
eariler than 2.96. I try to make "aodv-uu on SNS". Is this do-able?  I
know most of NS2 versions have good compatability with aodv-uu, but I
am aksing about SNS by Cornell now)
Thanks in advanced !

Linking errors:

undefined reference to `TclObject::init(int, char const *const *)'
undefined reference to `TclObject::delay_bind_dispatch(char const *,
char const *, TclObject *)'
undefined reference to `TclObject::delay_bind_init_all(void)'
undefined reference to `TclObject::trace(TracedVar *)'
undefined reference to `TclObject::init(int, char const *const *)'

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