  Is there a way to avoid dumping the log of energy changes in the trace
When I use the energy model available in the NS2, the trace file dumps out
lines like

N -t 10.008284 -n 4 -e 100.000000

  Every time there is a change in the node's energy this event in dumped
into the trace file. Because of this, the size of the trace file is
increasing a lot making it difficult to carry out post-processing of trace
  Is there a way we can turn this energy trace OFF. I know we can choose
to turn off/ on agent trace, router trace,etc. (section 5.3 or 16.4 of NS
manual - http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/doc/index.html). But I found no such
parameter for energy trace.

Kaustubh Jain.

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