Hi all,

Searching the NS archives did not shed much light on this
topic: is there a recommended procedure to model available computational
resources (CPU time) within NS nodes? 
I'm just wondering how one could model the following scenario in NS: a node
runs several distinct Agents. All Agents must provide some feedback on the
consumed CPU time and a node control unit delays incoming and/or outgoing
packets accordingly on congestion (meaning one queue+delay object upstream
and one downstream on any link).

>From an architectural point of view it's not clear to
me how Agents (the ultimate source to decide on required CPU processing time
for an application-specific packet that is sent or received) can change the
behavior of a classifier within the node structure or, even worse, control a
queue/delay object that is located upstreams or downstreams.

Any ideas/hints where to start searching? Are there any NS examples that
implement such behavior? Do you know of any work in this area?

thanks in advance,

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