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["IDENTIFIER"], "context": " example of ~/tcl/ex/wireless.tcl with the output 
out.tr or file ~/tcl/ex/wireless-test.tcl with the" }, "lw_1187617398_1": { 
 "out-test.tr", "extended": 0, "startchar": 193, "endchar": 203, "start": 193, 
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"context": " file ~/tcl/ex/wireless-test.tcl with the output out-test.tr. i try 
to extract the output file using awk" }, "lw_1187617398_2": { "text": "Yahoo! 
TV\x27s", "extended": 0, "startchar": 423, "endchar": 437, "start": 423, "end": 
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["shortcuts:/us/instance/organization/company/yahoo_property"], "category": 
["ORGANIZATION"], "context": "  Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV\x27s 
Comedy with an Edge to see what\x27s on," }, "lw_1187617398_3": { "text": 
"Comedy with an Edge ", "extended": 0, "startchar": 551, "endchar": 570, 
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"97546168";    Hello..
Did anyone know how to calculate delay/jitter/ in the example of 
~/tcl/ex/wireless.tcl with the output out.tr or file ~/tcl/ex/wireless-test.tcl 
with the output out-test.tr. i try to extract the output file using awk script 
but not successfull. anyone can help me please.. 

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