Brenda Lindsay Williams wrote:
> Hi everyone...I'm having a problem...When I try to install NS2.31 on s
> friend's machine, I get this error message
> Victor:/home/mavor/Network Simulator/ns-allinone-2.31 # ls
> cweb     INSTALL.WIN32  otcl-1.13   sgb         tclcl-1.19   zlib-1.2.3
> gt-itm   nam-1.13       perl-5.8.8  stable.tar  tk8.4.14
> install  ns-2.31        README      tcl8.4.14   xgraph-12.1
> Victor:/home/mavor/Network Simulator/ns-allinone-2.31 # ./install

> I then try to install tcl8.4.14 and I get the error message below
> Victor:/home/mavor/Network Simulator/ns-allinone-2.31/tcl8.4.14/unix #
> ./configure
> loading cache ./config.cache
> ./configure: line 572: cd: /home/mavor/Network: No such file or directory

The error message suggests that the tcl configure script is not picking 
up the fact that a parent directory has a name with a space in it: 
"Network Simulator"-- it truncates the path where the space occurs.

I think that if you change this directory name to something without a 
space such as Network-Simulator, it has a good chance of working.


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