See inline below:

dhairya wrote:
> Also, where is the output of the printf statements in the C++ class printed
> ??
Depends on the local printf, but generally either to stdout or stderr
(which in most cases is your console, I think).

> -DP
> dhairya wrote:
>> Thanks  for the reply.. .but am unclear and have few more doubts....n..
>> How do I trace the actual flow ...say when I run the Tcl Script, I want to
>> track Tcl Objects as well as the invoked C++ object and their values.
There is a little about that in the ns manual, but as far as I know if
you wnat to get the whole flow you have to single step through your code
(either by hand or by means of a debugger).
Pedro has some good guidelines on how to do debugging on ns2 o nhis website.

>> Well, what I'm trying to do is understand the current protocol and modify
>> it... like the NIx vector I need to understand how it
>> updates the routing table, where it is maintained etc.
My call would be to get your hands on a running simulation of our
protocol under consideration and then single step through the code.
(and once you have done that, write the results down and publish them in
the wiki.)

As a general note: understanding ns isn't quite easy. If you have to
finish your project this term (assuming you are a student in the US) and
have never used ns2 before this will be tough - I think so, at least.

Good luck again,


>> -DP
>> Claus Christmann wrote:
>>> See inline below:
>>> dhairya wrote:Hi,
>>>> Hi, 
>>>>        I'm new to ns2 and had few questions regarding it :
>>>> 1. Is the route-computation table stored globally than specific to node.
>>>> 2. How does this simulation work, I mean the flow from invoking the ns2
>>>> script to the invoking the C++ code
>>>> 3. If I make few changes to the existing code, how do I debug it ? Is it
>>>> like debugging the C++ code without considering the Tcl thing
>>> Debugging ns2 can be tricky... ;)
>>> Pedro Vale Esterala has a good guide on setting up a ns2 debugging
>>> facility that includes (o)Tcl debugging capabilities:
>>>> 4. the main question is the linkage of oTcl and the C++ 
>>> See the ns2 manual for a couple of first steps on this.
>>>> - DP
>>> Good Luck.
>>> Claus
>>> -- 
>>> Claus Christmann
>>> Graduate Research Assistant
>>> Georgia Institute of Technology
>>> 270 Ferst Drive
>>> Atlanta, GA 30332-0150

Claus Christmann
Graduate Research Assistant

Georgia Institute of Technology
270 Ferst Drive
Atlanta, GA 30332-0150

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