Hii ns-User
I was read in ns mailing list and I found your name in contribute helping
other peoples.
I truly need your help..

I was simulated my tcl script in ns2.30 using new_trace format
I have out.tr then I want to calculate 3 performance metric :
paket delivery ratio, normalized overhead and end to end delay.
I use my awk script to get desire value but I don't know that was not

I get this value in my parsing result
send = 8871.00
recv = 0.00
routingpkts = 682.00
PDF = 0.00
NRL = inf
Average e-e delay(ms)= nan
No. of dropped data (packets) = 322
No. of dropped data (bytes)   = 171304

I am attach .tr file in my mail, please help me what's wrong..?
why my recv and PDF = 0.00?
My awk script was wrong? or
can you give me correct calculation with my out2.tr in my attachment ?

What meaning of :  NRL = inf
              Average e-e delay(ms)= nan

thanks for your reply.

STTTelkom Student at Indonesia

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