Dear Julie 
I have wanted to simulate effects of distance on throughput, for example 
throughput of a MS with 200m as distance from BS , differs from throughput of a 
MS 50m from BS.
ns has not this distance implementation. Thus , I have changed propagation 
model  to get that. if you are interested about this , i can explain it to u 
Now,  about your question, i have not checked 10Km or more ...  but if you dont 
get any throughput for this distance, I think you must to decrease CSThresh_  
and RXThresh_ amount in tcl/ns-default.tcl file for  
mac/ function :

 if (Pr < CSThresh_) {
  pkt_recvd = 0;
  goto DONE;
 if (Pr < RXThresh_) {
   * We can detect, but not successfully receive
   * this packet.
  hdr_cmn *hdr = HDR_CMN(p);
  hdr->error() = 1;

  hope this help.

"Haiying (Julie) Zhu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Got your email from the NS list.

Could you help me on the distance issue? As far as I set MS and BS more
than 200m, the current model of 802.11 doesn't work, even I changed the Pt-
to 10e20. Actually, I'd like to see the throughput for 10Km or even
further, assuming enough power. Could you tell me which document to modify
to get it work on long distance?

Thank you very much for your help.

Haiying Julie Zhu,
Research Engineer, Ph. D, Wireless Applications and Systems Research |
Ingenieur de recherche, Ph. D. Applications sans fil et recherche sur les
systèmes sans fil

Communications Research Centre, Industry Canada |
Centre de Recherches sur les Communications, Industrie Canada
3701 Carling,  P.O. Box | B.P. 11490, Stn "H"
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2H 8S2

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-----Original Message-----
Of Tara Arezoumand
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 1:15 AM
Cc: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Subject: [ SPAM ] Re: [ns] effect of distance on throughput

Thanks a lot , 
But 2 question :
1- for simulation of it, is there distance function that measures distance
between 2 nodes in ns?
2- which parts or files compute "throughput , packet loss and delay " in
wireless simulations?


"Kamil H. Suleiman" wrote:
Hello Tara,
To the best of my knowledge, once a node is inside a hearing range, we
don't see the difference say between 20 and 30 meters from the BS.
Probably some contributed module might be able to simulate the fading

On Mon, 2007-11-12 at 00:55 -0800, Tara Arezoumand wrote:
> Hi Dear All 
> I simulated a wireless network , with a BS and three MS ...
> I want to get MS throughput changes on become near or distant to BS..
> Is there any function in ns that has designed it ? if not please advise
> hope to any help...
> Thanks
> Tara
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