I m new in NS-2 I studied NS-manual but did not get the point. I
 installed NS-2 on Linux (Fedora 5) and working efficiently

Even I implemented an example of "OTCL Linkage"

Now I want to build my own packet with each and everything is defined
 by me i.e. of GOOSE Packet but have no idea how to do it. 
Please guide me and I think it is best if you provide the help with
 example. (You can create your own packet any specification ) 

Help on this topic is greatly appreciated. I would be thankful to you


Engr. Mahmood Qureshi
HEC Scholar
Graduate Student: Computer Engineering
Myongji University, South-Korea
San 38-2
Gyunggi-Do (449-728)
South Korea
Mobile No. : +82-10-2891-7096
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