Dear all,
I'm still new in NS2,,i wonder if i had a simple topology which is a
wired-cum-wireless topology like below :

   w(0)     w(1)
    \        /
     \      /
      \    /
switch w(2)

   0           0
  MS(0)       MS(1)

I wanna send a voip packet from wired node (w(0)) to all wireless node
(MS(0) & MS(1)).I have difficulties on sending multicast packet to the
wireless node. Does anyone have a clue for my problem??
Thanks in advanced for all the info.

Andi Nugroho
Telecommunication&Multimedia,Electrical Eng.
Sepuluh Nopember Technological Institute
Phone  :+6231-60350415
Mobile :+6285648223929

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