Nicholas Loulloudes wrote:


Hello all,

I am trying to understand how mobile nodes in NS-2 move and i would like
any possible help.

Assuming that i have the following mobility scenario where i am
interested for Node 49:

$node_(49) set X_ 696220.000000
$node_(49) set Y_ 260720.000000
$node_(49) set Z_ 0.0
$ns_ at 7.0 "$node_(49) setdest 696193.8102 261479.3690 8.1233"
/* Other Node movements */
$ns_ at 41.0 "$node_(49) setdest 696269.3069 261551.7842 8.7203"

While reading the Nam trace file i can see that at Time= 27.0 , node 49
is at the following coordinates ( 696087.18 , 261285.68 ). These
coordinates are no where included in the mobility scenario. How did ns-2
obtain these coordinates?

Do you know how ns-2 implements node movements? Is there an algorithm
for this?

Thanks in advance.

Any suggestions?


Nicholas Loulloudes
High Performance Computing Systems Laboratory (HPCL)
University of Cyprus,
Nicosia, Cyprus

Tel:  +357-22892663
Email: loulloudes.n[at]

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