Breno Caetano wrote:
>  hi ns-users, 
> i can treat receive messages when i use a ftp application over agents TCP. i 
> dont find source ftp application, more specifically file i just find 
> others files and ftp.h.
> anybody can help me?
> regards
> Breno Caetano da Silva
> Bacharel em Ciências da Computação - UFPI
> Mestrando em Engenharia Elétrica
> Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos - EESC
> Universidade de São Paulo
> Fone: (+5516) 81449079
> (+5516) 33738149
>       Novos endereços, o Yahoo! que você conhece. Crie um email novo com a 
> sua cara ou
Yes, FTP and Telnet applications are implemented in OTcl only, (not in 
C++), hence no .cc files for them.... You may read Chapter 39 of ns 
manual to know further how could you achieve what you intend to do 
through the TCL script itself.


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