
someone who can tell me how to see the current value of TracedVar
variables in ns2 using gdb? If I try to give out the value I get an
incomplete type error. I use ns-2.33 and gdb 6.8.

Here are the steps to reproduce the error:
> gdb ns                        # start gdb with ns
> b TcpAgent::opencwnd          # set break point
> run script.tcl                # run script

Breakpoint 1, TcpAgent::opencwnd (this=0x9d10e90) at tcp/tcp.cc:1122
1122            if (cwnd_ < ssthresh_) {

> p cwnd_                       # output value of cwnd_

$8 = <incomplete type>

> p (int)cwnd_                  # does not work either!

$8 = <incomplete type>


Thanks for your help!


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