hi ns-users, 
I have a little doubt at tcp-reno.cc. In its constructor, have follow code:
RenoTcpAgent::RenoTcpAgent() : TcpAgent(), dupwnd_(0)
search in some book, i noticed that its calling the constructor of TCPAgent, 
but i dont know whats means the last command (dupwnd_(0)). I find this name. 
its a protect variable at tcp.h. but i dont find a function like it. I know 
this doubt is fool, but really i'm lost. can anybody  help me? some reply is 

 Breno Caetano da Silva
Bacharel em Ciências da Computação - UFPI
Mestrando em Engenharia Elétrica
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos - EESC
Universidade de São Paulo
Fone: (+5516) 81449079
(+5516) 33738149

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