Lachlan Andrew wrote:
> Greetings all,
> The NS manual seems rather out of date.  (There are comments from 2001
> about "changes in the near future", and snippets of code that have
> changed radically, and references to files that no longer exist.)
> I have started copying the contents from the PDF to the wiki, at
> <>, with the hope that
> the community can keep it more up-to-date.
> Does this seem useful, or is the "manual" seen as no longer important?
> If it is useful, would anyone like to volunteer to help?  :)


Thanks for taking the initiative to do that.  But I'd like to ask 
whether the real issue is the markup (tex vs wiki) or the accessibility 
to make changes, or whether the issue is that no one wants to update the 
documentation.  Because it would be a shame for you or anyone to invest 
a lot of resources in a migration if the result would be the same.

Personally, I have been updating manual chapters as new things were 
checked in (see the wifi updates in section 16.3) and asking new 
contributors to write manual chapters (see section 43 for Tmix).  But, I 
realize there are large portions of the manual written over 8 years ago 
that have not been maintained.

Are there people in the community who would be more inclined to update 
documentation if the contents were on the wiki (please speak up)?  Or is 
that not the real issue?

- Tom

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