I advice you to work in pure linux operating system.

Mohammed AbuHajar

From: Arslan Munir <munir.ars...@yahoo.com>
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 4:41:42 PM
Subject: [ns] ns2 environment variables settings in .bashrc file

Hi all,

I have installed ns2-allinone-2.33 (the current release). I am running it on 
Cygwin on Windows Vista. After running Cygwin, we need to set environment 
variables before ns2 commands can be run. Alternatively, we can set them in
..bashrc file so that the environment variables for ns2 are
automatically set each time when Cygwin is run instead of manually
entering them on command line.

When I add the environment
variables path in .bashrc files, it gives an error when Cygwin starts
saying that ns2-allinone-2.33-2.33 not fount. The commands work fine on
the Cygwin prompt. Also Cygwin appends an extra 2.33 at the end
automatically when giving an error.

Here is the code for updating the environment variables in .bashrc file. The 
first line is which is giving error:

export NS_HOME=/home/Owner/ns-allinone-2.33/
export PATH=$NS_HOME/tcl8.4.18/unix:$NS_HOME/tk8.4.18/unix:$NS_HOME/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$NS_HOME/tcl8.4.18/unix:$NS_HOME/tk8.4.18/unix:\
export TCL_LIBRARY=$NS_HOME/tcl8.4.18/library 

On the Cygwin command prompt, we enter the same commands except for the first 
line which is:

export NS_HOME=`pwd`

Please tell me if any body faced the similar problem and got it fixed. Thanks!


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