Hey Mubashir, Sorry for bugging you again but I am totally clueless as to how to set the range.
Since past few days, I have been trying to set the range by the setting the value of radius variable of a particular node. This is what radius variable does according to NS Manual: $mobilenode radius <r> The radius <r> denotes the node’s range. All mobilenodes that fall within the circle of radius <r> with the node at its center are considered as neighbours. This info is typically used by the gridkeeper. But, today I found out that this is not affecting the way the traffic is sent, i.e., the range is still 250m, the default value. Please help me as to how can I set the range of the nodes. This is is very much imperative for my project. Please help. -- Regards, Mayank Daga Senior Undergraduate Student, Department of Information Technology, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India