
Can anyone clarify what is the difference between S-MAC and 802.15.4?

S-MAC is Simple MAC? See the following text:

"Freescale's Simple MAC (SMAC) provides a simple and cost effective solution
for wireless networking.  Based on the 802.15.4 PHY, it provides command to
create simple point-to-point and star networks.  The small codes size allows
the use of a low cost MCU combined with the MC13201 RF transceiver, creating
the ideal platform for applications looking to "cut the cord".  In addition,
features such as repeaters and over-the-air updates help create a feature
rich protocol in a small package."

In my application I need to use mesh network and a energy model with sleep
and wake functions. Does NS2 s-mac fit to my application?

Have anyone some reference text?

Thanks in advance.

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