Thank you.

I went through this explanation and I did understand what the flags stand
for but did not understand the reason for broadcast of the CTS, ACK packets.
Can anyone tell me is there any software or any online resource that I can
use to understand the file?

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 8:13 AM, Mubashir Rehmani <>wrote:

> Hi Gokul Bhat,
> Here is the answer to your question:
> "s" and "r" indicates that you send and receive the packets respectively.
> RTR means network layer and AGT means application layer.
> Here is the full description of trace format:
> To find the interpretation of all possible trace format when you do the
> wireless simulation, you'd better read the code of ns2 in file *ns2home/
> trace/cmu-trace{.h, .cc}* Mostly, the format would be as
> ACTION:       [s|r|D]: s -- sent, r -- received, D -- dropped
> WHEN: the time when the action happened
> WHERE:        the node where the action happened
> LAYER:        AGT -- application,
>       RTR -- routing,
>       LL  -- link layer (ARP is done here)
>       IFQ -- outgoing packet queue (between link and mac layer)
>       MAC -- mac,
>       PHY -- physical
> flags:
> SEQNO:        the sequence number of the packet
> TYPE: the packet type
>               cbr -- CBR data stream packet
>               DSR -- DSR routing packet (control packet generated by routing)
>               RTS -- RTS packet generated by MAC 802.11
>               ARP -- link layer ARP packet
> SIZE: the size of packet at current layer, when packet goes down, size 
> increases, goes up size decreases
> [a b c d]:    a -- the packet duration in mac layer header
>               b -- the mac address of destination
>               c -- the mac address of source
>               d -- the mac type of the packet body
> flags:
> [......]:     [
>               source node ip : port_number
>               destination node ip (-1 means broadcast) : port_number
>               ip header ttl
>               ip of next hop (0 means node 0 or broadcast)
>               ]
> Regards
> Mubashir Husain Rehmani
> 2009/6/29 gokul bhat <>
>> Hello everyone
>> I am new to NS2 and also I have very little experience in C/C++
>> programming.
>> Although, I am catching up on the C++ stuff, I am unable to understand the
>> nam file generated after running any 802.11 MAC simulation in ns2. I am
>> not
>> able to figure out why most of the control packets are broadcast that is
>> their destination id is -1. I will paste a part of the nam file generated
>> i.e. the part I am finding hard to understand.
>> r -t 35.225473806 -s 2 -d -1 -p ACK -e 38 -c 2 -a 0 -i 0 -k MAC
>> + -t 35.225823139 -s 3 -d -1 -p RTS -e 44 -c 2 -a 0 -i 0 -k MAC
>> - -t 35.225823139 -s 3 -d -1 -p RTS -e 44 -c 2 -a 0 -i 0 -k MAC
>> h -t 35.225823139 -s 3 -d -1 -p RTS -e 44 -c 2 -a 0 -i 0 -k MAC
>> r -t 35.226175805 -s 4 -d -1 -p RTS -e 44 -c 2 -a 0 -i 0 -k MAC
>> + -t 35.226185805 -s 4 -d -1 -p CTS -e 38 -c 2 -a 0 -i 0 -k MAC
>> - -t 35.226185805 -s 4 -d -1 -p CTS -e 38 -c 2 -a 0 -i 0 -k MAC
>> h -t 35.226185805 -s 4 -d -1 -p CTS -e 38 -c 2 -a 0 -i 0 -k MAC
>> r -t 35.226490472 -s 3 -d -1 -p CTS -e 38 -c 2 -a 0 -i 0 -k MAC
>> The code I am running is trying to simulate 16 stationary nodes and is
>> using
>> CBR traffic. Please help me
>> --
>> Gokul S Bhat
>> Graduate Student, Electrical Engineering department, University of
>> Florida,
>> Gainesville
> --
> Mubashir Husain Rehmani

Gokul S Bhat
Graduate Student, Electrical Engineering department, University of Florida,

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