I found the following comment  in the p802__15__4sscs.cc file in the WPAN

/* The following primitives are availabe from MAC sublayer. You can
call these primitives from SSCS or other upper layer
00686  *  void MCPS_DATA_request(UINT_8 SrcAddrMode,UINT_16
00687  *                 UINT_8 DstAddrMode,UINT_16 DstPANId,IE3ADDR DstAddr,
00688  *                 UINT_8 msduLength,Packet *msdu,UINT_8
msduHandle,UINT_8 TxOptions);
00689  *  void MCPS_DATA_indication(UINT_8 SrcAddrMode,UINT_16
00690  *                UINT_8 DstAddrMode,UINT_16 DstPANId,IE3ADDR DstAddr,
00691  *                UINT_8 msduLength,Packet *msdu,UINT_8 mpduLinkQuality,
00692  *                bool SecurityUse,UINT_8 ACLEntry);
00693  *  void MCPS_PURGE_request(UINT_8 msduHandle);
00694  *  void MLME_ASSOCIATE_request(UINT_8 LogicalChannel,UINT_8
CoordAddrMode,UINT_16 CoordPANId,IE3ADDR CoordAddress,
00695  *                  UINT_8 CapabilityInformation,bool SecurityEnable);
00696  *  void MLME_ASSOCIATE_response(IE3ADDR DeviceAddress,UINT_16
AssocShortAddress,MACenum status,bool SecurityEnable);
00697  *  void MLME_DISASSOCIATE_request(IE3ADDR DeviceAddress,UINT_8
DisassociateReason,bool SecurityEnable);
00698  *  void MLME_DISASSOCIATE_indication(IE3ADDR
DeviceAddress,UINT_8 DisassociateReason,bool SecurityUse,UINT_8
00699  *  void MLME_DISASSOCIATE_confirm(MACenum status);
00700  *  void MLME_GET_request(MPIBAenum PIBAttribute);
00701  *  void MLME_GTS_request(UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,bool SecurityEnable);
00702  *  void MLME_GTS_confirm(UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,MACenum status);
00703  *  void MLME_GTS_indication(UINT_16 DevAddress,UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,
00704  *               bool SecurityUse, UINT_8 ACLEntry);
00705  *  void MLME_ORPHAN_indication(IE3ADDR OrphanAddress,bool
SecurityUse,UINT_8 ACLEntry);
00706  *  void MLME_ORPHAN_response(IE3ADDR OrphanAddress,UINT_16
ShortAddress,bool AssociatedMember,bool SecurityEnable);
00707  *  void MLME_RESET_request(bool SetDefaultPIB);
00708  *  void MLME_RX_ENABLE_request(bool DeferPermit,UINT_32
RxOnTime,UINT_32 RxOnDuration);
00709  *  void MLME_RX_ENABLE_confirm(MACenum status);
00710  *  void MLME_SCAN_request(UINT_8 ScanType,UINT_32
ScanChannels,UINT_8 ScanDuration);
00711  *  void MLME_SET_request(MPIBAenum PIBAttribute,MAC_PIB
00712  *  void MLME_SET_confirm(MACenum status,MPIBAenum PIBAttribute);
00713  *  void MLME_START_request(UINT_16 PANId,UINT_8
LogicalChannel,UINT_8 BeaconOrder,
00714  *              UINT_8 SuperframeOrder,bool PANCoordinator,bool
00715  *              bool CoordRealignment,bool SecurityEnable);
00716  *  void MLME_SYNC_request(UINT_8 LogicalChannel, bool TrackBeacon);
00717  *  void MLME_SYNC_LOSS_indication(MACenum LossReason);
00718  *  void MLME_POLL_request(UINT_8 CoordAddrMode,UINT_16
CoordPANId,IE3ADDR CoordAddress,bool SecurityEnable);
00719  *  void MLME_POLL_confirm(MACenum status);
00720  *

However, when i look up in the p802_15_4mac.cc, i see that the function is
available but there is no definition:
void Mac802_15_4::MLME_GTS_request(UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,bool

void Mac802_15_4::MLME_GTS_confirm(UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,MACenum status)

void Mac802_15_4::MLME_GTS_indication(UINT_16 DevAddress,UINT_8
                      bool SecurityUse, UINT_8 ACLEntry)

Also, the following comment was found in the header file:
/*TBD*/    void MLME_GTS_request(UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,bool
/*TBD*/    void MLME_GTS_confirm(UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,MACenum status);
/*TBD*/    void MLME_GTS_indication(UINT_16 DevAddress,UINT_8
                 bool SecurityUse, UINT_8 ACLEntry);

I would like to implement GTS for 802.15.4 MAC and would like to know if
anybody has an implementation available or a suggestion as how or where it
is available?

Thank you.


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