[Bug Report]

Category:  Other
Package:   ns ns-2.30
OS:        Suse-10.3
Environment Variables:


Description of Problem:
I'm working with Mobile IP and using ns-2.30 , I´ve already
modified ns2.30, following this step by step:

Makefile.in   add noah/noah.o \ to OBJ_CC and tcl/mobility/noah.tcl \ to

noah/noah.{h,cc}  add noah.h and noah.cc to a new subdirectory noah/

tcl/mobility/noah.tcl    add noah.tcl to tcl/mobility/

tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl.h    line 191: add source ../mobility/noah.tcl

                        line 603ff: add

            NOAH {
                    set ragent [$self create-noah-agent $node]

                        line 768ff: add

Simulator instproc create-noah-agent { node } {
    # Create a noah routing agent for this node
    set ragent [new Agent/NOAH]

    ## setup address (supports hier-addr) for noah agent
    ## and mobilenode
    set addr [$node node-addr]

    $ragent addr $addr
    $ragent node $node

    if [Simulator set mobile_ip_] {
        $ragent port-dmux [$node demux]
    $node addr $addr
    $node set ragent_ $ragent
    return $ragent

while I am trying to run the ns it will display that :
ns:[code omitted because of length]
:invalid command name "Agent/NOAH"
  while executing
"Agent/NOAH set sport_       o"

this is what i got after running the ns.
please help.


How Easily Reproducible:
(e.g. every time, intermittent, once only, etc.)

Steps to Reproduce:
(describe the minimal set of steps necessary to trigger the bug)

Actual Results:
(describe what the application did after performing the above steps)

Expected Results:
(describe what the application should have done, were the bug not present)

Additional Information:
(the following infomation is helpful to debug:
 1. simulation script, detailed output files, packet trace
 2. patch file if you modify some source code
 3. a backtrace from gdb if you get a segment fault
 If they are big files, PLEASE put them in your web space and
 include the URL here.)

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