HI ,
Dear Arun Peri 

For graph designing their are many tools in NS2.... like xgraph, trace graph, 
gnuplot etc and in windows environment there is a good one that is sigmaplot. 
They can be easily downloaded from internet. 
For linux version for NS2... Gnu plot is good one and easier one also. Thats 
why I recommend you to use gnuplot. becasue tracegraph and xgraph have not much 
For Gnuplot I can help you as I can tell you how to start making simple graph 
in gnuplot. And I am sure if you will be able to design a simple graph than it 
will not be much difficult to enhance your graph expertise....
STEPS for use and design for gnuplot.
1. If you are using NS2 on LInux system then GNUPLOT will be there by default. 
If you are using NS2 on windows system through cygwin then I am not sure about 
that. YOu can check it through typing GNUPLOT on terminal window . If you will 
get any file missing message like file is not specified than it means gnuplot 
is installed and dont have to reisntall it. ALternatively you can download it 
from. http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2055 you will need 
.tar.gz for linux and .zip for windows. 
2. Installation is very easy. You will find easy methods through foloowing links

         http://www.duke.edu/~hpgavin/gnuplot.html   (GNUPLOT TUTORIAL)
    only in case of windows system you will need instalation and download, 
otherwise no need.  
3. After confirming installation. you must gave to check the environment 
variable. in basch file.
4.Following files will be related with your work
    a. Graph.p       (code file for gnuplot)
    b. Graph.tr      ( trace file from which gnuplot will take readings for 
ploting a graph-- you have to take your readings   
                            from your code 
                           first coloumn is always X-axis and second coloumn is 
Y-axis and son on )
    c. Graph.eps    ( actual graph image file --can be generated after running 
the graph.p file --. It is eps file extension. you can only open in linux . If 
windows you can open it through IRFAN VIEW software  otherwise ADOBE 
ILLUSTRATOR can also open this file on windows)
5. Now put the graph.p file in the folder where your graph.tr file (yours) is 
available and from terminal window go to that destination and just write 
    on terminal window you will get GNUPLOT> .
6. please also check the trace file path in GRAPH.P file. it is necessary to 
provide file path there in code file.
7. just write GNUPLOT> load "graph.p"
8. and you will have a graph. 
" COngratulations on your having a graph successfully"
9. you can exit from gnuplot through EXIT command.
10. for remaining commands for Graph plottiong. you have to explore its 
tutorial, mailing list for ns2 (I recommend you to join the mailing list of 
     Follwing links can give you much information you need. 
 ==========================SAMPLE FILE FOR GRAPH.P
set title "XYZ"
set xlabel "SEC(Seconds) "
set ylabel "BW"
set xrange [0:1300]
set yrange [0:110]
#set multiplot
#set size 0.5, 0.5
#set origin 0.0, 0.5

set grid
set boxwidth 20
#plot "/home/XYZ/ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/mygrid/graph/abc.tr"  using 1:2 with 
lines lt 1 lw 2 title 'My Work'
plot "/home/XYZ/ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/mygrid/graph/abc.tr" using 1:2 title 
'Previous Work' with linespoints , \
   "/home/XYZ/ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/mygrid/graph/abc.tr" using 3:4 title 'My 
Work' with linespoints

#set tmargin 0
#set bmargin 0
set term post eps enhan "Helvetica" 60   
set out "combine-curve-time.eps"
#set nomultiplot
first row represents X axis and second row represents Y axis
10  9
30  12
50  27
70  28
90  33
110  39
130  43
150  44
170  48
190  52
210  57
320  58
330  60
370  65
450  66
470  68
490  75
530  79
550  81
1280  100
Hope it will help you.
Saim Ghafoor


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