I have a configuration like this:

node($i) attach-agent MyAgent($i)     [$i from 1 to 3]
$ns connect MyAgent(1) MyAgent(3)  [only for this Agent]


In my wireless simulation, n1 is out of the range of n3, but n2 is in both 
ranges; then with the AODV routing algo,  n2 forwards all the pkt from n1 to n3.
The question is:
When n2 receive this kind of packets (n1 ---> [n2]--->n3) the method 
Agent::recv(Packet* p, Handler *) isn't invoked!!!!
There is another method in class Agent or a way to access at this "Packet* p"?

PLEASE, i need your help!!!

Thanks in advance!!

Francesco Salpietro

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