>Message: 1
>Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 10:08:07 +0530
>From: stalin babu <stalin1...@gmail.com>
>Subject: [ns] Segment fault
>To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
 >   <eb09d5481003212138p4c8e53cbse6d10bed6cd0a...@mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

>Hi .
 >        when i am running a tcl script i got an error "segment fault".
>i am run the simulation for 10 nodes it's run sucessfully. when i am trying
>to run simulation for 20 nodes
>at the end of simulation it gives an error " segment fault" . plese help

the segmentation fault may due to the program that try to access a memory 
location that it is not allowed to access, or attempts to access a memory 
location in a way that is not allowed (check the wikipedia)...... In your case, 
there must be a parameter that already exceeds the maximum value in the .cc 
or.h file....if 10 nodes is OK and 20 nodes NOT OK, it maybe due to the maximum 
allowable nodes (constant value in .cc or .h file) that is less than 20....if 
you still want to use 20 nodes, then change the correspondence maximum value in 
the .cc or .h file....then do make clean, make depend and make ( read the 
ns-documentation on how to do the "make" thing)....  


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