in my master project my objet is to study the impact of the packet error in
routing protocol (AODV).So the object is to fixe a value of a packet error
in my script TCl and to change this value and study the performance of the
When i m doing some researchs i have found this :
TCL Environment variables


   Phy/WirelessPhy set ambient_noise_ *double*

      Sets the background noise used for all SNR calculations

   Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ *double*

      Sets the transmission power of wireless nodes

   Node/MobileNode set error_ *double*

      Sets a fixed chance of packet error for all nodes in the system.
      Irrespective of SNR calculations

   Phy/WirelessPhy set CPThresh_ *double*

      This value has become the minimum ratio of Rx powers needed in order
      to capture the channel.

TCL Commands

$*mobilenode* change-error *double*

So i notice that with these TCL variables and commands i can obtain my
So please can you help me for fixing the different values.
i m so gratefull for your help
Best regards.

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