
  it's been a week that I'm trying to modify an example I found in the
source code of the  module that implements the protocol PIM-SM, the
amendment relates to the use of "gt-itm" for the generation of a graph but I
Always get the same error.

# create a simulator instance with multicast features on
set ns [new Simulator -multicast on]

# define trace files...
set pimTraceFile [open pimTracev3.tr w]
$ns trace-all $pimTraceFile
set pimNamFile [open pimTrace.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all $pimNamFile

# cbr packets colors
$ns color 1 red
$ns color 2 green
# prune/graft packets
$ns color 30 purple
$ns color 31 blue

# create nodes...
set opt(topology) "../scene/r20/r20-0.tcl"
source $opt(topology)
set num_nodes [create-topology ns n 10Mb]

# change shape and color of RP and sources
$n(0) shape square;  #Rendezvous Point 0
$n(3) shape hexagon; #Source 3
$n(3) color red;
$n(9) shape hexagon; #Source 9
$n(9) color green;

# topology

# Alloc multicast address
set pimGroup0 [Node allocaddr]

# Setup source 3
set udp3 [new Agent/UDP]
$udp3 set dst_addr_ $pimGroup0
$udp3 set dst_port_ 0
$udp3 set class_ 1
$ns attach-agent $n(3) $udp3
set cbr3 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$cbr3 attach-agent $udp3

# Setup source 9
set udp9 [new Agent/UDP]
$udp9 set dst_addr_ $pimGroup0
$udp9 set dst_port_ 0
$udp9 set class_ 2
$ns attach-agent $n(9) $udp9
set cbr9 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$cbr9 attach-agent $udp9

# Setup receivers (1, 4, 5, 10, 11)
set rcvr1 [new Agent/LossMonitor]
$ns attach-agent $n(1) $rcvr1
set rcvr4 [new Agent/LossMonitor]
$ns attach-agent $n(4) $rcvr4
set rcvr5 [new Agent/LossMonitor]
$ns attach-agent $n(5) $rcvr5
set rcvr10 [new Agent/LossMonitor]
$ns attach-agent $n(10) $rcvr10
set rcvr11 [new Agent/LossMonitor]
$ns attach-agent $n(10) $rcvr11

# define unicast and multicast protocols to use...
$ns rtproto DV
PIM set RP_($pimGroup0) $n(0)
$ns mrtproto PIM

# schedule join/leave events...
$ns at 0.0  "$ns set-animation-rate 10ms"

$ns at 0.10 "$ns set-animation-rate 0.2ms"
$ns at 0.10 "$ns trace-annotate \"Receiver on Node 1 joins the group...\""
$ns at 0.10 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 1 sends Join towards group RP.\""
#$ns at 0.10 "$n(1) join-group $rcvr1 $pimGroup0"

$ns at 0.12 "$ns trace-annotate \"Receiver on Node 4 joins the group...\""
$ns at 0.12 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 4 sends Join towards group RP.\""
$ns at 0.12 "$n(4) join-group $rcvr4 $pimGroup0"

$ns at 0.14 "$ns trace-annotate \"Receiver on Node 5 joins the group...\""
$ns at 0.14 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 5 sends Join towards group RP.\""
$ns at 0.14 "$n(5) join-group $rcvr5 $pimGroup0"

$ns at 0.16 "$ns trace-annotate \"Receiver on Node 10 joins the group...\""
$ns at 0.16 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 10 sends Join towards group RP.\""
$ns at 0.16 "$n(10) join-group $rcvr10 $pimGroup0"

$ns at 0.18 "$ns trace-annotate \"Receiver on Node 11 joins the group...\""
$ns at 0.18 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 11 sends Join towards group RP.\""
$ns at 0.18 "$n(11) join-group $rcvr11 $pimGroup0"
$ns at 0.20 "$ns trace-annotate \"Shared Tree branches created.\""

$ns at 0.25 "$ns trace-annotate \"Source at Node 3 starts sending... \""
$ns at 0.25 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 3 forwards CBR packets to RP.\""
$ns at 0.25 "$cbr3 start"

$ns at 0.30 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 10 decides to join source (3)
$ns at 0.30 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 10 sends Join towards Node 3.\""
$ns at 0.30 "$n(10) join-group $rcvr10 $pimGroup0 $n(3)"
$ns at 0.3328 "$ns trace-annotate \"Source Tree branch 3-2-6-10 created.\""
$ns at 0.34 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 2 is now receiving source 3 traffic
from nodes 3 and 0.\""
$ns at 0.34 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 2 prunes source 3 from shared
$ns at 0.356 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 0 blocks source 3 traffic on branch
$ns at 0.36 "$ns trace-annotate \"Traffic is now being forwarded on both

$ns at 0.40 "$ns trace-annotate \"Source at Node 9 starts sending... \""
$ns at 0.40 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 9 forwards CBR packets to RP.\""
$ns at 0.40 "$cbr9 start"

$ns at 0.56 "$ns set-animation-rate 0.2ms"
$ns at 0.56 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 11 decides to join source (9)
$ns at 0.56 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 11 sends Join towards Node 9.\""
$ns at 0.56 "$n(11) join-group $rcvr11 $pimGroup0 $n(9)"
$ns at 0.61 "$ns trace-annotate \"Source Tree branch 9-4-2-6-11 created.\""
$ns at 0.63 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 2 is now receiving source 9 traffic
from nodes 4 and 0.\""
$ns at 0.63 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 2 prunes source 9 from shared
$ns at 0.646 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 0 blocks source 9 traffic on branch
$ns at 0.67 "$ns trace-annotate \"Some group members are connected to source
based trees.\""
$ns at 0.67 "$ns trace-annotate \"All members are connected to the shared
$ns at 0.70 "$ns set-animation-rate 20ms"

$ns at 4.50 "$ns set-animation-rate 0.2ms"
$ns at 4.50 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 10 leaves source 3 only...\""
$ns at 4.50 "$n(10) leave-group $rcvr10 $pimGroup0 $n(3)"

$ns at 4.60 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 11 leaves group...\""
$ns at 4.60 "$n(11) leave-group $rcvr11 $pimGroup0"
$ns at 4.70 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 4 leaves group...\""
$ns at 4.70 "$n(4) leave-group $rcvr4 $pimGroup0"
$ns at 4.80 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 5 leaves group...\""
$ns at 4.80 "$n(5) leave-group $rcvr5 $pimGroup0"
$ns at 4.90 "$ns trace-annotate \"Node 1 leaves group...\""
$ns at 4.90 "$n(1) leave-group $rcvr1 $pimGroup0"

$ns at 4.95 "$ns trace-annotate \"Source at Node 3 stops sending... \""
$ns at 4.95 "$cbr3 stop"

$ns at 4.98 "$ns trace-annotate \"Source at Node 9 stops sending... \""
$ns at 4.98 "$cbr9 stop"

$ns at 5.00 "$ns trace-annotate \"Simulation finished... \""
$ns at 5.00 "finish"

proc finish {} {
 global ns pimTraceFile pimNamFile
$ns flush-trace

close $pimTraceFile
 close $pimNamFile

puts "running nam pimTrace.nam..."
 exec nam pimTrace.nam &

exit 0

$ns run

*error message:*

ns: _o39 join-group _o929 -2147483648: can't read "Node_(-1)": no such
element in array
    while executing
"return $Node_($id)"
    (procedure "_o3" line 3)
    (Simulator get-node-by-id line 3)
    invoked from within
"$ns_ get-node-by-id [[$ns_ get-routelogic] lookup $id_ $srcID]"
    (procedure "_o39" line 6)
    (Node rpf-nbr line 6)
    invoked from within
"$self rpf-nbr $node"
    (procedure "_o39" line 6)
    (Node from-node-iface line 6)
    invoked from within
"$node_ from-node-iface $RP_($group)"
    (procedure "_o986" line 11)
    (PIM join-rpt line 11)
    invoked from within
"$self join-rpt $group"
    (procedure "_o986" line 10)
    (PIM join-group line 10)
    invoked from within
"_o986 join-group -2147483648"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval $p $op $args"
    invoked from within
"if ![info exists protos($p)] {
set protos($p) 1
eval $p $op $args
    (procedure "_o45" line 5)
    (mrtObject all-mprotos line 5)
    invoked from within
"_o45 all-mprotos join-group -2147483648"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval $self all-mprotos join-group $grp $src"
    (procedure "_o45" line 2)
    (mrtObject join-group line 2)
    invoked from within
"$mrtObject_ join-group $group $src"
    (procedure "_o39" line 5)
    (Node join-group line 5)
    invoked from within
"_o39 join-group _o929 -2147483648"

                       BADDI YOUSSEF
    Master de Recherche en GĂ©nie Informatique
                     ENSIAS, RABAT
                Tel: +212 672 43 54 15

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