Hi, I have some doubts about the LS routing protocol
in ~ns/linkstate/rtProtoLS.cc

void rtProtoLS::initialize()
Tcl & tcl = Tcl::instance();
 // call tcl get-node-id, atoi, set nodeId
 tcl.evalf("%s get-node-id", name());
        const char * resultString = tcl.result();
nodeId_ = atoi(resultString);
 // call tcl get-peers, strtok, set peerAddrMap, peerIdList;
tcl.evalf("%s get-peers", name());
 resultString = tcl.result();

can anyone explain how "tcl.evalf("%s get-node-id", name());" works? where
to find this "get-node-id"?
Thanks very much!!!


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