
I have a Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm that i am optimising, the
algorithm outputs the values below. The first objective is maximising the
efficiency of the network by lowering energy depletion(minimising
energy depletion) and the second is maximising the number of nodes to
achieve full coverage.

0.943164 0.000163251
0.000346453 0.254052
0.583485 0.000419807
0.289261 0.000633636
0.896291 0.000314365
0.100863 0.000900134
0.000730138 0.179723
0.0010259 0.0163291
0.0509728 0.00154449
0.000590426 0.248574
0.00175349 0.001788

So from the output values above I wanted to simulate a wireless sensor

If you could help me with this it would be greatly appreciated.



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