hi friend
we use these for simulate vehicule movment and this paper help you understand 
better. I hope it is helpful.
what protocol are you simulating for vanet and manet?
do you work with maodv or aodv?
best regard  

From: umair ahmed <meetuas...@yahoo.com>
To: googlens2 <ns-us...@googlegroups.com>; nsusers <ns-users@ISI.EDU>
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2011 11:18 PM
Subject: [ns] vanet simulation

Hi ,I completed my manet simulation in ns2,now I wanna do it for vanet .What is 
the difference between the two?I'm simulating routing protocols in both,I know 
there are many tools for vanet ,like vanetmobsim, and sumo but what exactly 
they do ? I mean why exactly do I need them ,can anybody help me withs sample 
scripts or something.

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