hi,i m trying to simulate wsn. in my tcl script i've written a procedure for 
the creation of sensor node. the procedure contains no arguments , so i simply 
call the procedure by its name but when i run the simulation it gives the error 
invalid command name. i have read that procedures can be created without an 
argument and also the same method is used for the sample scripts available from 
mannasim . please guide how to resolve this issue.regards,najma ismat

 ns hi.tclnum_nodes is set 5invalid command name "create_common_node"    while 
executing"create_common_node "    (file "hi.tcl" line 50)

# ======================================================================# Main 
Program (Part of the script)# 
Initialize Global Variables#set ns_ [new Simulator]set tracefile [open hi.tr 
w]$ns_ use-newtrace$ns_ trace-all $tracefile
# set up topography objectset topo [new Topography]$topo load_flatgrid $val(x) 
$val(y)## Create God#create-god $val(nn)set rng [new RNG]                $rng 
seed [clock seconds]set chan [new $val(chan)]

#common sensor node procedure callcreate_common_node 
## procedure common sensor node

proc create_common_node {} {    global val ns_ node_ topo udp_ app_ gen_ 
contador_nodos rng
$ns_ node-config -sensorNode ON \-adhocRouting $val(rp) \-llType $val(ll) 
\-macType $val(mac) \-ifqType $val(ifq) \-ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \-antType 
$val(ant) \-propType $val(prop) \-phyType $val(netif) \-topoInstance $topo 
\-agentTrace ON \-routerTrace ON \-macTrace ON \-movementTrace ON \-channel 
$chan \-energyModel $val(en) \-initialEnergy 10.0\-rxPower 0.024 \-txPower 
0.036 \                                       

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