Hi,i m trying simulate wsn with mobility for 5 nodes using aodv routing 
protocol but getting this error. i have matched the coordinates of mobility 
pattern file with the node movement pattern in trace file and found that  
movement pattern assign tto node 0 is now assigned to node 5  and Node 
numbering starts from 1-5 for 5 nodes. i have assigned id 0 to the sink.
please guide how to resolve this issue..
####  error  #######

Node 05 - Temperature Data 27.056641 - Time 4.960000Node 05 - Temperature Data 
21.473530 - Time 4.970000Node 05 - Temperature Data 20.111480 - Time 
4.980000Node 05 - Temperature Data 24.921908 - Time 4.990000Node 05 - 
Temperature Data 24.789654 - Time 5.000000Common Node 5 - Disseminating data -  
Time 5.000 - Destination node 0SORTING LISTS ...DONE!channel.cc:sendUp - Calc 
highestAntennaZ_ and distCST_highestAntennaZ_ = 1.5,  distCST_ = 
550.0MAC_802_11: accessing MAC cache_ array out of range (src 5, dst 0, size 
5)!Node 05 - Temperature Data 16.288288 - Time 5.010000MAC_802_11: accessing 
MAC cache_ array out of range (src 5, dst 0, size 5)!--- Classfier::no-slot{} 
default handler (tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl) ---       _o32: no target for slot 2020   
_o32 type: Classifier/Portcontent dump:classifier _o32  0 offset        0 shift 
-1 mask 1 slots         slot 255: _o34 (CMUTrace/Recv)---------- Finished 
standard no-slot{} default handler ----------

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