
The submission deadline has been extended to July 25, 2012.

Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the 
following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to 
ICSEA 2012.

In addition, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended 
article versions to one of the IARIA Journals:


============== ICSEA 2012 | Call for Papers ===============


ICSEA 2012, The Seventh International Conference on Software Engineering 
November 18-23, 2012 - Lisbon, Portugal

General page:

Call for Papers:

- regular papers
- short papers (work in progress)
- posters

Submission page:

Submission deadline: July 25, 2012

Sponsored by IARIA,

Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:

Please note the Poster and Work in Progress options.

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, 
state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, 
applications, and industrial case studies.
Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under 
review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, 
topic areas.

All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of 
Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, Technical/marketing/business 
presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.

Before submission, please check and comply with the Editorial rules:

ICSEA 2012 Topics (topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)

Advances in fundamentals for software development
Fundamentals in software development; Software architecture, patterns, 
frameworks; Software analysis and model checking; Software architectural 
scalability; Requirements engineering and design; Software design 
(methodologies, patterns, experiences, views, design by contract, design by 
responsibilities, etc.); Software modeling (OO, non-OO, MDA, SOA, patterns, 
UML, etc.); Software process and workflow; Software validation and 
verification; Software testing and testing tools; Software implementation; 
Software project management (risk analysis, dependencies, etc.)

Advanced mechanisms for software development
Software composition; Process composition and refactoring; Co-design and 
codeplay; Software dependencies; Plug&play software; Adaptive software; 
Context-sensitive software; Policy-driven software design; Software 
rejuvenation; Feature interaction detection and resolution; Embedded software; 
Parallel and distributed software

Advanced design tools for developing software
Formal specifications in software; Programming mechanisms (real-time, 
multi-threads, etc.); Programming techniques (feature-oriented, 
aspects-oriented, generative programming, agents-oriented, contextual-oriented, 
incremental, stratified, etc.); Requirement specification languages; 
Programming languages; Automation of software design and implementation; 
Software design with highly distributed resources (GRID); Web service based 
software; Scenario-based model synthesis; Merging partial behavioral models; 
Partial goal/requirement satisfaction

Advanced facilities for accessing software
Information modeling; GUI related software; Computer-aided software design; 
Hierarchical APIs; APIs roles in software development; Ontology support for Web 
Services; Rapid prototyping tools; Embedded software quality; Thread modeling; 
Flexible Objects; Use cases; Visual Modeling

Software performance
Software performance modeling; Software performance engineering (UML diagrams, 
Process algebra, Petri nets, etc.); Software performance requirements; 
Performance forecast for specific applications; Performance testing; 
Web-service based software performance; Performance of rule-based software; 
Methods for performance improvements; Software performance experience reports; 
Program failures experiences; Error ranking via correlation; Empirical 
evaluation of defects

Software security, privacy, safeness
Security requirements, design, and engineering; Software safety and security; 
Security, privacy and safeness in software; Software vulnerabilities; Assessing 
risks in software; Software for online banking and transactions; Software trace 
analysis; Software uncertainties; Dynamic detection of likely invariants; Human 
trust in interactive software; Memory safety; Safety software reuse; High 
confidence software; Trusted computing; Next generation secure computing

Advances in software testing
Formal approaches for test specifications; Advanced testing methodologies; 
Static and dynamic analysis; Strategies for testing nondeterministic systems; 
Testing software releases; Generating tests suites; Evolutionary testing of 
embedded systems; Algorithmic testing; Exhaustive testing; Black-box testing; 
Testing at the design level; Testing reactive software; Empirical evaluation

Specialized software advanced applications
Database related software; Software for disaster recovery applications; 
Software for mobile vehicles; Biomedical-related software; Biometrics related 
software; Mission critical software; Real-time software; E-health related 
software; Military software; Crisis-situation software; Software for Bluetooth 
and mobile phones; Multimedia software applications

Open source software
Open source software (OSS) methodologies; OSS development and debugging; 
Security in OSS; Performance of OSS; OSS roles and responsibilities; OSS 
incremental development; Division of labor and coordination mechanisms; 
Distribution of decision-making; Operational boundaries; Experience reports and 
lessons learned; Versioning management; Towards generalizing the OSS 
methodologies and practices; Open source licensing; Industrial movement towards 
open source

Agile software techniques
Agile software methodologies and practices (extreme programming, scrum, 
feature-driven, etc.); Agile modeling (serial in the large, iterative in the 
small); Agile model driven design; Agile methodologies for embedded software; 
Software metrics for agile projects; Lifecycle for agile software development; 
Agile user experience design; Agility via program automation; Testing into an 
agile environment; Agile project planning; Agile unified process

Software deployment and maintenance
Software in small and large organizations; Deploying and maintaining open 
source software; Software maintenance; Software assurance; Patching; Run-time 
vulnerability checking; Software rejuvenation; Software updates; Partial or 
temporary feature deprecation; Multi-point software deployment and 
configuration; On-line software updates

Software engineering techniques, metrics, and formalisms
Software reuse; Software quality metrics (complexity, empiric metrics, etc.); 
Software re-engineering (reverse engineering); Software composition; Software 
integration; Consistency checking; Real-time software development; Temporal 
specification; Model checking; Theorem provers; Modular reasoning; Petri Nets; 
Formalisms for behavior specification; Advanced techniques for autonomic 
components and systems

Business technology
Enterprise Content Managements (ECMs); Business Intelligence (BI); Enterprise 
Portals; Business Process Management (BPM); Corporate Performance Management 
(CPM); Enterprise Data Warehouse; Web Publishing; Cloud Computing; 
Virtualisation; Data Mining; Workflows; Business Rules Management (BRM); Data 

Software economics, adoption, and education
Patenting software; Software licensing; Software economics; Software 
engineering education; Academic and industrial views on software adoption and 
education; Good-to-great in software adoption and improvement; Software 
knowledge management

Improving productivity in research on software engineering
Developing frameworks to support research; Methods and tools to improving the 
research environment; Supporting domain specific research needs; Teaching 
research skills in Computer Science; Experience reports on well developed 
research processes; Experience reports on empirical approaches to software 
engineering research; Approaches to supporting higher degree students in their 
research; Approaches to enlarge the research / teaching nexus to improve 
academics productivity; Approaches to integration between university research 
and industry research; Tools to support the research process

IARIA Publicity Board

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