Thanks Durgesh, I found the answer.

Inside, we have recv function, for each packet received....we can 
check either packet at the destination node by checking
if (ih->daddr()=ch->next_hop_)
then apply your mechanism to control over those packets.

Thanks to all

 From: Durgesh Kshirsagar <>
To: itishi saxena <> 
Sent: Tuesday, 14 August 2012 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: [ns] The results of your email commands

Hello itishi, there is a variable named "index" you can make use of it to get 
current node. e.g suppose I want to that a node with id 1 should print 
statement "I am node 1" u can use

fprintf(stderr, "I am node 1");

I am using fprintf because I don't know any other mehod.

I am also working on AODV currently. I will advice you to use Eclipse for 
development because u can easily debug and very fast development. 
Check out my blog for using eclipse

All the best!

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