Hi All,

Found this message in the ns2-mailing list regarding pcap files but didn't
see any solution for it.
Can any one help?

here is the message:

Hi all,

I would appreciate it if you could help me. I am having the same problem,
which is importing traced traffic (file) into ns2.31.
what do I need to make it work Network/File?
which ns version do i need to use?

Any solution, link, script or code will be helpful.


Larry Brigman wrote:
>* *>* *>* I am needing to run a simulation in NS2 that uses*>* pcap or tcpdump 
>trace files as the traffic in the test.*>* *>* I don't get any errors with 
>this but I also don't get any traffic.*>* Do I need to explicitly set routing 
>or is there something else I am*>* missing?*>* *>* My no-error-non-working 
>example*>* #Create a simulator object*>* set ns [new Simulator]*>* $ns 
>use-scheduler Heap*>* *>* #Open the NAM trace file*>* set nf [open pcap_ex.nam 
>w]*>* $ns namtrace-all $nf*>* *>* $ns color 400 Green*>* $ns color 500 
>Yellow*>* $ns color 900 Red*>* *>* #Define a 'finish' procedure*>* proc finish 
>{} {*>*         global ns nf*>*         $ns flush-trace*>*         #Close the 
>NAM trace file*>*         close $nf*>*         exit 0*>* }*>* *>* *>* ###### 
>Setup the Network ############################*>* set r(0) [ $ns node ]*>* set 
>r(1) [ $ns node ]*>* *>* ####### Create the network links between nodes 
>######*>* set BANDWIDTH 80Mb*>* set DELAY 10us*>* $ns simplex-link $r(0) $r!
 (1) $BANDWIDTH $DELAY DropTail*>* *>* $ns simplex-link-op $r(0) $r(1) orient 
right*>* *>* ######## Setup the traffic types ########*>* set pcap0 [new 
Network/Pcap/File ]*>* ##### open the trace file*>* $pcap0 open readonly 
network.dump*>* *>* set null [new Agent/Null]*>* set tap0 [new Agent/Tap]*>* 
$ns attach-agent $r(1) $null*>* $tap0 network $pcap0*>* $ns attach-agent $r(0) 
$tap0*>* *>* ####### Notify that we are starting the run...*>* puts "Starting 
run..."*>* *>* ####### Run the above configured simulation*>* $ns run*>* *>* 
*>* *

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