il suffit de changer la canal de l'interface par la canal de l'AP qu'on
voudrait attacher
just change the interface channel by the channel of the AP we want to attach

[$AP0 set mac_(0)] set-channel 1 --> [$WLAN_UE0 set mac_(0)] set-channel 1

[$AP1 set mac_(0)] set-channel 2 --> [$WLAN_UE1 set mac_(0)] set-channel 2

Sometimes autonomy is a motivation to solve the problem !!!

2012/11/6 Basma Bejaoui <>

> I tried it, that's not the problem, the AP1 can't send the traffic to
> WLAN_UE1 !!! it's so clear in nam , but i dont know why :(
> 2012/11/6 Nasim Ham <>
>> I'm not sure , but it seems the two interfaces attached to multiface node
>> are not at the same position
>> also the setdest for the two interfaces are not the same also
>> try to make it in the same position, this is my suggestion.
>> On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 1:12 AM, Basma Bejaoui <>wrote:
>>> if you can't download it, here it is :
>>> if {$argc != 0} {
>>> puts ""
>>> puts "Wrong Number of Arguments! No arguments in this topology"
>>>  puts ""
>>> exit (1)
>>> }
>>> global ns
>>> proc finish {} {
>>>     global ns f f0 f1 f2 f01 f11 f21 namfile
>>>     $ns flush-trace
>>>     close $f
>>>     close $f0
>>>     close $f1
>>>     close $f2
>>>     close $f01
>>>     close $f11
>>>     close $f21
>>>     close $namfile
>>>     puts " Simulation ended."
>>>     exec xgraph -geometry 800x400 &
>>>     exec xgraph -geometry 800x400 &
>>>     exec xgraph -geometry 800x400
>>>     exit 0
>>> }
>>> set output_dir .
>>> set ns [new Simulator]
>>> $ns use-newtrace
>>> $ns color 1 Blue
>>> $ns color 2 Red
>>> set f [open w]
>>> $ns trace-all $f
>>> set namfile [open out1.nam w]
>>> $ns namtrace-all-wireless $namfile 800 800
>>> #Open the output files
>>> set f0 [open w]
>>> set f1 [open w]
>>> set f2 [open w]
>>> #Open the output files
>>> set f01 [open w]
>>> set f11 [open w]
>>> set f21 [open w]
>>> # UMTS
>>> $ns set hsdschEnabled_ 1addr
>>> $ns set hsdsch_rlc_set_ 0
>>> $ns set hsdsch_rlc_nif_ 0
>>> #  (needed for routing over a basestation)
>>> $ns node-config -addressType hierarchical
>>> AddrParams set domain_num_  7
>>> AddrParams set cluster_num_ {1 1 1 1 1 1 1}
>>> AddrParams set nodes_num_   {5 1 1 1 3 1 1}
>>> #RNC
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts "***********************Now, Creating RNC**********************"
>>> $ns node-config -UmtsNodeType rnc
>>> set RNC [$ns create-Umtsnode 0.0.0] ;# node id is 0.
>>> $ns at 0.00 "$RNC label \"RNC 0.0.0\""
>>> $RNC set X_ 200
>>> $RNC set Y_ 100
>>> $RNC set Z_ 0
>>> puts "RNC $RNC"
>>> puts "***********************Completed successfully*****************"
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts ""
>>> puts ""
>>> # 配置UMTS基站
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts "***********************Now, Creating BS**********************"
>>> $ns node-config -UmtsNodeType bs \
>>> -downlinkBW 384kbs \
>>>  -downlinkTTI 10ms \
>>> -uplinkBW 384kbs \
>>> -uplinkTTI 10ms \
>>>       -hs_downlinkTTI 2ms \
>>>       -hs_downlinkBW 384kbs
>>> set BS [$ns create-Umtsnode 0.0.1] ;# node id is 1
>>> $ns at 0.00 "$BS label \"BSumts 0.0.1\""
>>> $BS set X_ 100
>>> $BS set Y_ 100
>>> $BS set Z_ 0
>>> puts "BS $BS"
>>> puts "***********************Completed successfully*****************"
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts ""
>>> puts ""
>>> # BS __ RNC
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts "***********************Now, Connecting RNC and BS*************"
>>> $ns setup-Iub $BS $RNC 622Mbit 622Mbit 15ms 15ms DummyDropTail 2000
>>> puts "***********************Completed successfully*****************"
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts ""
>>> puts ""
>>> #创建UMTS无线节点
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts "******Now, Creating UMTS UE(us as MultiFaceNode's NIC)*******"
>>> $ns node-config -UmtsNodeType ue \
>>> -baseStation $BS \
>>>  -radioNetworkController $RNC
>>> #UMTS_UE0
>>> set UMTS_UE0 [$ns create-Umtsnode 0.0.2] ;# node id is 2
>>> $ns at 0.00 "$UMTS_UE0 label \"umts_ue0 0.0.2\""
>>> $UMTS_UE0 set Y_ 50
>>> $UMTS_UE0 set X_ 100
>>> $UMTS_UE0 set Z_ 0
>>> set UMTS_UE0_id [$UMTS_UE0 id]
>>> puts "UMTS_UE0 created $UMTS_UE0_id"
>>> puts "***********************Completed successfully*****************"
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts ""
>>> puts ""
>>> #SGSN GGSN。 Node id for SGSN0 and GGSN0 are 4 and 5, respectively.
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts "***********************Now, Creating GGSN and SGSN************"
>>> set SGSN [$ns node 1.0.0]
>>> $ns at 0.00 "$SGSN label \"SGSN 1.0.0\""
>>> set SGSN_id [$SGSN id]
>>> puts "SGSN $SGSN"
>>> puts "SGSN_id $SGSN_id"
>>> $SGSN set X_ 300
>>> $SGSN set Y_ 100
>>> $SGSN set Z_ 0
>>> puts "***********************Completed successfully*****************"
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts ""
>>> puts ""
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts "***********************Now, Creating CN_host1 and CN_host2****"
>>> set CN_host0 [$ns node 3.0.0]
>>> $ns at 0.00 "$CN_host0 label \"CN0 3.0.0\""
>>> $CN_host0 set X_ 500
>>> $CN_host0 set Y_ 100
>>> $CN_host0 set Z_ 0
>>> puts "CN_host0 $CN_host0"
>>> set CN_host0_id [$CN_host0 id]
>>> puts "CN_host0_id $CN_host0_id"
>>> puts "finished"
>>> puts ""
>>> # do the connections in the UMTS part
>>> puts "Connecting RNC SGSN GGSN CN_host0 CN host1"
>>> $ns duplex-link $RNC $SGSN 622Mbit 0.4ms DropTail 1000
>>> $ns duplex-link $SGSN $CN_host0 10MBit 15ms DropTail 1000
>>> $RNC add-gateway $SGSN
>>> #
>>> puts "2 Creating UE"
>>> puts ""
>>> $ns node-config  -multiIf ON                             ;#to create
>>> MultiFaceNode
>>> set UE0 [$ns node 5.0.0]
>>> $ns at 0.00 "$UE0 label \"multifacenode\""
>>> $UE0 set X_ 100
>>> $UE0 set Y_ 100
>>> $UE0 set Z_ 0
>>> set UE0_id [$UE0 id]
>>> puts "UE0 $UE0_id"
>>> $ns node-config  -multiIf OFF                           ;#reset attribute
>>> puts "***********************Completed successfully*****************"
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts ""
>>> puts ""
>>> #WLAN
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts "***********************Now, Creating WLAN*********************"
>>> # parameter for wireless nodes
>>> set opt(chan)           Channel/WirelessChannel   ;# channel type for
>>> 802.11
>>> set opt(prop)           Propagation/TwoRayGround   ;# radio-propagation
>>> model 802.11
>>> set opt(netif)          Phy/WirelessPhy             ;# network interface
>>> type 802.11
>>> set opt(mac)            Mac/802_11                 ;# MAC type 802.11
>>> set opt(ifq)            Queue/DropTail/PriQueue     ;# interface queue
>>> type
>>> 802.11
>>> set opt(ll)             LL                         ;# link layer type
>>> 802.11
>>> set opt(ant)            Antenna/OmniAntenna         ;# antenna model
>>> 802.11
>>> set opt(ifqlen)         50                 ;# max packet in ifq 802.11
>>> set opt(adhocRouting)   DSDV                       ;# routing protocol
>>> 802.11
>>> set opt(umtsRouting)    ""                         ;# routing for UMTS
>>> (to
>>> reset node config)
>>> set opt(x)   1000    ;# X dimension of the topography
>>> set opt(y) 1000   ;# Y dimension of the topography
>>> # WLAN 11Mb
>>> Mac/802_11 set basicRate_ 11Mb
>>> Mac/802_11 set dataRate_ 11Mb
>>> Mac/802_11 set bandwidth_ 11Mb
>>> Mac/802_11 set client_lifetime_ 10 ;#increase since iface 2 is not
>>> sending
>>> traffic for some time
>>> puts "1 Creating topology"
>>> puts ""
>>> set topo [new Topography]
>>> $topo load_flatgrid $opt(x) $opt(y)
>>> puts "Topology created"
>>> puts ""
>>> # create God
>>> set god [create-god 12]                 ;# give the number of nodes
>>> $god set-dist 1 2 1
>>> $god set-dist 0 2 2
>>> $god set-dist 0 1 1
>>> set god [God instance]
>>> puts "finished"
>>> puts ""
>>> #AP
>>> puts "3 Creating AP"
>>> puts ""
>>> puts "coverge:20m"
>>> Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 0.025
>>> Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ 2.025e-12
>>> Phy/WirelessPhy set CSThresh_ [expr 0.9*[Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_]]
>>> $ns node-config  -adhocRouting $opt(adhocRouting) \
>>>                  -llType $opt(ll) \
>>>                  -macType $opt(mac) \
>>>                  -channel [new $opt(chan)] \
>>>                  -ifqType $opt(ifq) \
>>>                  -ifqLen $opt(ifqlen) \
>>>                  -antType $opt(ant) \
>>>                  -propType $opt(prop)    \
>>>                  -phyType $opt(netif) \
>>>                  -topoInstance $topo \
>>>                  -wiredRouting ON \
>>>                  -agentTrace OFF\
>>>                  -routerTrace OFF \
>>>                  -macTrace ON  \
>>>                  -movementTrace OFF
>>> # configure Base station 802.11
>>> set AP0 [$ns node 4.0.0]
>>> $ns at 0.00 "$AP0 label \"AP0 4.0.0\""
>>> set AP0_id [$AP0 id]
>>> puts "AP0_id $AP0_id"
>>> $AP0 set X_ [expr 200]
>>> $AP0 set Y_ 50.0
>>> $AP0 set Z_ 0.0
>>> [$AP0 set mac_(0)] bss_id [[$AP0 set mac_(0)] id]
>>> [$AP0 set mac_(0)] enable-beacon
>>> [$AP0 set mac_(0)] set-channel 1
>>> puts "AP0 created"
>>> # configure Base station 802.11
>>> set AP1 [$ns node 2.0.0]
>>> $ns at 0.00 "$AP1 label \"AP1 2.0.0\""
>>> set AP1_id [$AP1 id]
>>> puts "AP1_id $AP1_id"
>>> $AP1 set X_ [expr 550]
>>> $AP1 set Y_ 50.0
>>> $AP1 set Z_ 0.0
>>> [$AP1 set mac_(0)] bss_id [[$AP1 set mac_(0)] id]
>>> [$AP1 set mac_(0)] enable-beacon
>>> [$AP1 set mac_(0)] set-channel 1
>>> puts "AP1 created"
>>> # creation of the wireless interface 802.11
>>> puts "5 Creating 2 WLAN interfaces"
>>> puts ""
>>> $ns node-config -wiredRouting OFF \
>>>                 -macTrace ON
>>> # interface wlan 0
>>> set WLAN_UE0 [$ns node 4.0.1]
>>> $ns at 0.00 "$WLAN_UE0 label \"wlan_ue0_interface 4.0.1\""
>>>                   ;# create the node with given @.
>>> $WLAN_UE0 random-motion 0
>>> set WLAN_UE0_id [$WLAN_UE0 id]
>>> puts "WLAN_UE0_id $WLAN_UE0_id connect to AP0"
>>> ;#
>>> disable random motion
>>> $WLAN_UE0 base-station [AddrParams addr2id [$AP0 node-addr]] ;#attach mn
>>> to
>>> basestation
>>> $WLAN_UE0 set X_ [expr 200.0]
>>> $WLAN_UE0 set Y_ 50.0
>>> $WLAN_UE0 set Z_ 0.0
>>> [$WLAN_UE0 set mac_(0)] set-channel 1
>>> $ns at 0.0 "$WLAN_UE0 setdest 750.0 100.0 50.0"
>>> #interface wlan 1
>>> set WLAN_UE1 [$ns node 2.0.1]
>>> $ns at 0.00 "$WLAN_UE1 label \"wlan_ue1_interface 2.0.1\""
>>>     ;#
>>> create the node with given @.
>>> $WLAN_UE1 random-motion 0
>>> set WLAN_UE1_id [$WLAN_UE1 id]
>>> puts "WLAN_UE1_id $WLAN_UE1_id connect to AP1"
>>> ;#
>>> disable random motion
>>> $WLAN_UE1 base-station [AddrParams addr2id [$AP1 node-addr]] ;#attach mn
>>> to
>>> basestation
>>> $WLAN_UE1 set X_ [expr 250.0]
>>> $WLAN_UE1 set Y_ 50.0
>>> $WLAN_UE1 set Z_ 0.0
>>> [$WLAN_UE1 set mac_(0)] set-channel 1
>>> $ns at 0.0 "$WLAN_UE1 setdest 850.0 100.0 50.0"
>>> # add link to backbone
>>> puts "5 Connecting AP0 to RNC and Connecting AP1 to SGSN"
>>> puts ""
>>> $ns duplex-link $AP0 $RNC 10MBit 15ms DropTail 1000
>>> $ns duplex-link $AP1 $SGSN 10MBit 15ms DropTail 1000
>>> # add interfaces to MultiFaceNode
>>> $UE0 add-interface-node $WLAN_UE1
>>> $UE0 add-interface-node $WLAN_UE0
>>> $UE0 add-interface-node $UMTS_UE0
>>> puts "***********************Completed successfully*****************"
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts ""
>>> puts ""
>>> # create a TCP agent and attach it to multi-interface node
>>> puts "##############################################################"
>>> puts "***************Generating traffic: using TcpApp***************"
>>> puts ""
>>> puts "1 Generating traffic between CN_host0 and mutilFacenNode0"
>>> set udp(0) [new Agent/UDP]
>>> $UE0 attach-agent $udp(0) $UMTS_UE0                   ;# new command: the
>>> interface is used for sending
>>> set null(0) [new Agent/LossMonitor]
>>> $ns attach-agent $CN_host0 $null(0)
>>> $ns connect $udp(0) $null(0)
>>> set cbr(0) [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
>>> $cbr(0) attach-agent $udp(0)
>>> $cbr(0) set type_ CBR
>>> $cbr(0) set packet_size_ 500
>>> $cbr(0) set rate_ 1mb
>>> $cbr(0) set random_ false
>>> $ns at 0.0 "$cbr(0) start"
>>> puts ""
>>> puts "2 Generating traffic between CN_host1 and WLAN_UE1"
>>> set udp(1) [new Agent/UDP]
>>> $UE0 attach-agent $udp(1) $CN_host0                   ;# new command: the
>>> interface is used for sending
>>> set null(1) [new Agent/Null]
>>> $ns attach-agent $WLAN_UE0 $null(1)
>>> $ns connect $udp(1) $null(1)
>>> ###########
>>> set recoumts [new Agent/LossMonitor]
>>> $ns attach-agent $WLAN_UE0 $recoumts
>>> $ns connect $udp(1) $recoumts
>>> ###########
>>> set cbr(1) [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
>>> $cbr(1) attach-agent $udp(1)
>>> $cbr(1) set type_ CBR
>>> $cbr(1) set packet_size_ 1000
>>> $cbr(1) set rate_ 1mb
>>> $cbr(1) set random_ false
>>> $ns at 1.0 "$cbr(1) start"
>>> puts "finished"
>>> puts ""
>>> ##############################################################################################################
>>> set udp(2) [new Agent/UDP]
>>> $UE0 attach-agent $udp(2) $WLAN_UE1 ;# the interface is used for sending
>>> set null(2) [new Agent/Null]
>>> $ns attach-agent $CN_host0 $null(2)
>>> $ns connect $udp(2) $null(2)
>>> set cbr(2) [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
>>> $cbr(2) attach-agent $udp(2)
>>> $cbr(2) set type_ CBR
>>> $cbr(2) set packet_size_ 500
>>> $cbr(2) set rate_ 1mb
>>> $cbr(2) set random_ false
>>> $ns at 0.0 "$cbr(2) start"
>>> ##############################################################################################################
>>> # connect both TCP agent
>>> puts "3 Connecting send agent and recieve agent"
>>> #$UE0 connect-agent $tcp_(0) $tcp_(1) $UMTS_UE0 ;# new command: specify
>>> the
>>> interface to use
>>> #$tcp_(0) listen
>>> puts "finished"
>>> puts ""
>>> # do some kind of registration in UMTS
>>> puts "****************************************************************"
>>> puts "do some kind of registration in UMTS......"
>>> $ns node-config -llType UMTS/RLC/AM \
>>> -downlinkBW 384kbs \
>>> -uplinkBW 384kbs \
>>>  -downlinkTTI 20ms \
>>> -uplinkTTI 20ms \
>>>     -hs_downlinkTTI 2ms \
>>>     -hs_downlinkBW 384kbs
>>> # for the first HS-DSCH, we must create. If any other, then use
>>> attach-hsdsch
>>> puts "Creating HS-DSCH for data transfering......"
>>> $ns create-hsdsch $UMTS_UE0 $udp(0)
>>> #$ns attach-hsdsch $UMTS_UE1 $udp(1)
>>> # we must set the trace for the environment. If not, then bandwidth is
>>> reduced and
>>> # packets are not sent the same way (it looks like they are queued, but
>>> TBC)
>>> puts "set trace for the environment......"
>>> $BS setErrorTrace 0 "idealtrace"
>>> #$BS setErrorTrace 1 "idealtrace"
>>> # load the CQI (Channel Quality Indication)
>>> puts "loading Channel Quality Indication......"
>>> $BS loadSnrBlerMatrix "SNRBLERMatrix"
>>> puts "finished"
>>> puts "****************************************************************"
>>> puts "################################################################"
>>> # we cannot start the connect right away. Give time to routing algorithm
>>> to
>>> run
>>> #$ns at 0.5 "$app_(1) connect $app_(0)"
>>> # install a procedure to print out the received data
>>> Application/TcpApp instproc recv {data} {
>>>     global ns
>>>     $ns trace-annotate "$self received data \"$data\""
>>>     puts "$self received data \"$data\""
>>> }
>>> # function to redirect traffic from WLAN_UE0 to WLAN_UE0
>>> proc redirectTraffic {} {
>>> puts ""
>>>  puts "************it is time for handovering*********"
>>> puts ""
>>>     global UE0 WLAN_UE0 WLAN_UE1  udp null CN_host0 ns
>>>     $UE0 attach-agent $udp(0) $WLAN_UE1 ;# the interface is used for
>>> sending
>>>     $UE0 connect-agent $udp(0) $null(0) $WLAN_UE1 ;# the interface is
>>> used
>>> for receiving
>>>     #$UE1 attach-agent $udp(1) $WLAN_UE1
>>>     #$UE1 connect-agent $udp(1) $null(1) $WLAN_UE1
>>>     $UE0 attach-agent $udp(1) $CN_host0                   ;# new command:
>>> the interface is used for sending
>>>     $ns attach-agent $WLAN_UE1 $null(1)
>>>     $ns connect $udp(1) $null(1)
>>> }
>>> # send a message via TcpApp
>>> # The string will be interpreted by the receiver as Tcl code.
>>> #for { set i 1 } { $i < 10 } { incr i} {
>>>  #   $ns at [expr $i + 0.5] "$app_(1) send 100 {$app_(0) recv {my message
>>> $i}}"
>>> #}
>>> # Initialize Flags
>>> set holdtime 0
>>> set holdseq 0
>>> set holdrate 0
>>> #record the position of node
>>> proc record {} {
>>>   global WLAN_UE0 null f0 f1 f2 holdtime holdseq holdrate
>>>    set ns [Simulator instance]
>>>    set time 0.1;# record 0.5 second
>>>    set WLAN_UE0_x [$WLAN_UE0 set X_]
>>>    set WLAN_UE0_y [$WLAN_UE0 set Y_]
>>>    set now [$ns now]
>>>    puts "$WLAN_UE0_x\t$WLAN_UE0_y"
>>> set bw0 [$null(0) set bytes_]
>>>         set bw4 [$null(0) set nlost_]
>>>         set bw8 [$null(0) set lastPktTime_]
>>>         set bw9 [$null(0) set npkts_]
>>>     set now [$ns now]
>>>         # Record Bit Rate in Trace Files
>>>         puts $f0 "$now [expr (($bw0+$holdrate)*8)/(2*$time*1000000)]"
>>>  # puts $f0 "$now [expr ($bw0+$holdrate)/$time*8/1000000]"
>>>         # Record Packet Loss Rate in File
>>>         puts $f1 "$now [expr $bw4/$time]"
>>> # Record Packet Delay in File
>>>         if { $bw9 > $holdseq } {
>>>                 puts $f2 "$now [expr ($bw8 - $holdtime)/($bw9 -
>>> $holdseq)]"
>>>         } else {
>>>                 puts $f2 "$now [expr ($bw9 - $holdseq)]"
>>>         }
>>>      # Reset Variables
>>>         $null(0) set bytes_ 0
>>>         $null(0) set nlost_ 0
>>>         set holdtime $bw8
>>>         set holdseq $bw9
>>>         set  holdrate $bw0
>>>    $ns at [expr $now + $time] "record"
>>> }
>>> # Initialize Flags
>>> set holdtime1 0
>>> set holdseq1 0
>>> set holdrate1 0
>>> proc record1 {} {
>>>   global  recoumts f01 f11 f21 holdtime1 holdseq1 holdrate1
>>>    set ns [Simulator instance]
>>>    set time 0.5;# record 0.5 second
>>>    set now [$ns now]
>>> set bw01 [$recoumts set bytes_]
>>>         set bw41 [$recoumts set nlost_]
>>>         set bw81 [$recoumts set lastPktTime_]
>>>         set bw91 [$recoumts set npkts_]
>>>     set now [$ns now]
>>>         # Record Bit Rate in Trace Files
>>>         puts $f01 "$now [expr (($bw01+$holdrate1)*8)/(2*$time*1000000)]"
>>> # puts $f0 "$now [expr ($bw0+$holdrate)/$time*8/1000000]"
>>>         # Record Packet Loss Rate in File
>>>         puts $f11 "$now [expr $bw41/$time]"
>>> # Record Packet Delay in File
>>>         if { $bw91 > $holdseq1 } {
>>>                 puts $f21 "$now [expr ($bw81 - $holdtime1)/($bw91 -
>>> $holdseq1)]"
>>>         } else {
>>>                 puts $f21 "$now [expr ($bw91 - $holdseq1)]"
>>>         }
>>>      # Reset Variables
>>>         $recoumts set bytes_ 0
>>>         $recoumts set nlost_ 0
>>>         set holdtime1 $bw81
>>>         set holdseq1 $bw91
>>>         set  holdrate1 $bw01
>>>    $ns at [expr $now + $time] "record1"
>>> }
>>> $ns at 0.0 "record"
>>> $ns at 0.0 "record1"
>>> # call to redirect traffic
>>> $ns at 3 "redirectTraffic"
>>> $ns at 3 "$ns trace-annotate \"Redirecting traffic\""
>>> $ns at 5 "finish"
>>> puts " Simulation is running ... please wait ..."
>>> $ns run
>>> 2012/11/6 Basma Bejaoui <>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> > From: Basma Bejaoui <>
>>> > Date: 2012/11/6
>>> > Subject: Re: [ns] Multiface node problem
>>> > To: Nasim Ham <>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Hi I already attach it, here it is again !!
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > 2012/11/5 Nasim Ham <>
>>> >
>>> >> hi
>>> >> send your tcl , we may help you.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 12:22 AM, Basma Bejaoui <
>>> >>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Hi every body
>>> >>> I simulate a scenario in which I have 3 networks
>>> >>> one umts and two wlan, a mobile node is multifaced : 2 interface wlan
>>> >>> and 1
>>> >>> umts
>>> >>>
>>> >>> My scenario work so good if I use one AP, one UMTS_bs , and a mobile
>>> node
>>> >>> with 3 interfaces 2 wlan and one umts
>>> >>>
>>> >>> AP0 (4.0.0) --> interface WLAN_UE0 (4.0.1)
>>> >>>                   --> interface WLAN_UE1 (4.0.2)
>>> >>> UMTS_BS (0.0.1) -->interface umts_ue (0.0.2)
>>> >>>
>>> >>> But when I add another Basic station the traffic dont arrived to the
>>> >>> second
>>> >>> wlan interface
>>> >>>
>>> >>> AP0 (4.0.0) --> interface WLAN_UE0 (4.0.1)
>>> >>> AP1 (2.0.0) --> interface WLAN_UE1 (2.0.1)
>>> >>> UMTS_BS (0.0.1) -->interface umts_ue (0.0.2)
>>> >>>
>>> >>> the simulation starts by  sending cbr traffic from umts interface to
>>> CN
>>> >>> then sending traffic from CN to interface WLAN_UE0
>>> >>> then MN enters to the second WLAN, the CN stop sending to the
>>> interface
>>> >>> wlan_UE0 over AP0 ,
>>> >>> CN send to interface WLAN_UE1 over AP1, but the traffic arrives to
>>> AP1
>>> >>> only, and do not received by WLAN_UE1
>>> >>> what 's the problem
>>> >>>
>>> >>> thank you for helping
>>> >>>
>>> >>> --
>>> >>> *Cordialement*
>>> >>> *Basma Bejaoui*
>>> >>> *Ingénieur Informatique, Génie Télécommunication et Réseaux *
>>> >>> *+216  20 09 52 02 *
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > *Cordialement*
>>> > *Basma Bejaoui*
>>> > *Ingénieur Informatique, Génie Télécommunication et Réseaux *
>>> > *+216  20 09 52 02 *
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > *Cordialement*
>>> > *Basma Bejaoui*
>>> > *Ingénieur Informatique, Génie Télécommunication et Réseaux *
>>> > *+216  20 09 52 02 *
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> *Cordialement*
>>> *Basma Bejaoui*
>>> *Ingénieur Informatique, Génie Télécommunication et Réseaux *
>>> *+216  20 09 52 02 *
> --
> *Cordialement*
> *Basma Bejaoui*
> *Ingénieur Informatique, Génie Télécommunication et Réseaux *
> *+216  20 09 52 02 *

*Basma Bejaoui*
*Ingénieur Informatique, Génie Télécommunication et Réseaux *
*+216  20 09 52 02 *

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