Further to my previous question...is there any way to use MATLAB radio
channel models, such as Rayleigh, Rician and Nakagami Fading channels, by
incorporating them into NS-2?

If i m not wrong, i heard that its possible while using NS-3, but i wonder
if that is possible in NS-2.

Osama Rehman

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 1:14 AM, Osama Rehman <osama.mhuss...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello everyone, i wonder if anyone has news on latest updates in NS-2
> related to mobile radio channels, such as Rayleigh and Rician Fading
> channels. I wonder if someone has built an NS-2 module representing these
> two mobile radio models, with thanks.
> Regards,
> Osama Rehman

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