
Two ways to do it,

a) By implementing "node-down" command as what test-suite-wpan.tcl had
done.Look for it in the example folder. It basically free a packet
going out of a node and marks the header of a packet as error for
incoming packets.

b) Try to do what a switched off node should behave. It is not
supposed have packets coming in and going out of its interface. Look
at the wireless schematic at NS2 manual, channel_ is responsible to
put a packet in a channel and uptarget_ is responsible to put a packet
in the receiving buffer of a receiving node Try to disable this
whenever you need to switch off the node and turn it on whenever the
node is supposed to be alive.

Good Luck.

Saravanan K

2013/2/7 hocine saadi <hlim.nar...@gmail.com>:
> hello
> how can i stop (deactivate) a node in wireless 802.11 network
> thank you
> --
> Hocine Saadi
> Chargé d’études au CERIST (CEntre de Recherche en l'Information
> Scientifique et Technique)
> Division Théorie et Ingénierie des Systèmes Informatiques (DTISI)
> 03, Rue frères Aissiou - Ben Aknoun - Alger
> Ingénieur en Informatique (USTHB)

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