Dear NS Users,

 I am trying to add a new Agent in ns-2.35. however it gave me an error
Invalid Command Name. Then I tried the same code in ns-2.34 and it works
all right. Are there any changes in the mechanism of adding Agent in

 I have been doing the following:

 I modified the Makefile , OBJ_CC variable and add the corresponding object
of the code. The   C++ Code and the TCL scripts I tried  are as follows:

##################################################   C++

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "agent.h"

class MyAgent : public Agent {
        int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
        int    my_var1;
        double my_var2;
        void   MyPrivFunc(void);

static class MyAgentClass : public TclClass {
        MyAgentClass() : TclClass("Agent/MyAgentOtcl") {}
        TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
                return(new MyAgent());
} class_my_agent;

MyAgent::MyAgent() : Agent(PT_UDP) {
       bind("my_var1_otcl", &my_var1);
       bind("my_var2_otcl", &my_var2);
}int MyAgent::command(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
      if(argc == 2) {
           if(strcmp(argv[1], "call-my-priv-func") == 0) {
      return(Agent::command(argc, argv));

void MyAgent::MyPrivFunc(void) {
      Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
      tcl.eval("puts \"Message From MyPrivFunc\"");
      tcl.evalf("puts \"     my_var1 = %d\"", my_var1);
      tcl.evalf("puts \"     my_var2 = %f\"", my_var2);


##################################################   C++

The corresponding tcl script is

##################################################   TCL

# Create MyAgent (This will give two warning messages that
# no default vaules exist for my_var1_otcl and my_var2_otcl)
set myagent [new Agent/MyAgentOtcl]

# Set configurable parameters of MyAgent
$myagent set my_var1_otcl 2
$myagent set my_var2_otcl 3.14

# Give a command to MyAgent
$myagent call-my-priv-func

##################################################   TCL

In ns-2.34 this code runs all right... while in ns-2.35 it throws me
following error :

invalid command name "Agent/MyAgentOtcl"
    while executing
"Agent/MyAgentOtcl create _o3 "
    invoked from within
"catch "$className create $o $args" msg"
    invoked from within
"if [catch "$className create $o $args" msg] {
if [string match "__FAILED_SHADOW_OBJECT_" $msg] {
delete $o
return ""
global errorInfo
error "class $..."
    (procedure "new" line 3)
    invoked from within
"new Agent/MyAgentOtcl"
    invoked from within
"set myagent [new Agent/MyAgentOtcl]"
    (file "a.tcl" line 5)

I will be very thankful for any help in this regard.....


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