> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 08:05:11 -0700
> From: dae...@isi.edu
> To: sen...@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: Cluster-Based AODV
> Welcome to posting to the ns-users mailing list!
> We automatically send this message to every new person who sends mail
> to the list.  You should only receive it once.  My apologies if the
> program contacts you twice, perhaps because you have multiple e-mail
> addresses or send mail from multiple machines.
> If you are an experienced ns-user who simply has not posted since we
> started using this responder, our apologies for inconveniencing you
> with this message.  This message is intended to help inform users and
> cut down on redundant posts, which benefits everyone.
> Please look at the attached list of ns Frequently Asked Questions.
> If it answers your question, great!  You're done.
> If not, please RE-SEND your original message to ns-users@isi.edu.
> A copy of your original message is included below for reference.
> You will NOT have to do re-send your message every time you post, only
> the FIRST time you send from a new account.  The goal is to quickly
> help new users find the FAQ (hopefully answering their question).
> Thanks,
>    -the ns development team
> ----------------------------------------
>             The Network Simulator ns-2: Frequently Asked Questions
>    (This FAQ is also on the web at
>    http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-faq.html.)
>      * _Where do I get ns?_
>        From the ns web site at http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns.html and
>        the download page http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-tests.html.
>      * _What platforms does ns run on and what kind of hardware do I
>        need?_
>        Please see "where to start" on the building ns web page:
>        http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-build.html#start.
>      * _What should I do if I have trouble downloading/extracting ns?_
>        This question is answered in detail at
>        http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-problems.html#downloading.
>      * _What should I do if I encounter problems building ns?_
>        Check:
>          1. the README that comes in the distribution (very brief),
>          2. the "installation problems, bug fixes and help" web page
>             http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-problems.html,
>          3. the archives of the ns-users mailing list
>             http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-lists.html,
>          4. post a bug report (see below)
>             http://www.isi.edu/cgi-bin/nsnam/reportbug.cgi.
>      * _What do I do after I successfully build ns?_
>           + Put the path to your ns executable into your PATH environment
>           + Put the path to your otcl into your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>             environment
>           + Put the path to your tcl library into your TCL_LIBRARY
>             environment
>      * _Where can I find documentation for ns?_
>        All documentation is linked from the main ns web page
>        http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/. Documentation includes a tutorial
>        (originally from Marc Greis) and a reference manual (ns notes and
>        documentation).
>      * _Words, words, words... that documentation is nice, but where are
>        some sample scripts I can start from?_
>        Many sample scripts can be found in the ns distribution in
>        ~ns-2/tcl/ex and ~ns-2/tcl/test.
>      * _What protocols does ns support?_
>        A lot! Almost all variants of TCP, several forms of multicast,
>        wired networking, several ad hoc routing protocols and propagation
>        models (but not cellular phones), data diffusion, satellite, and
>        other stuff. See the documentation (described above) for details,
>        or download ns and look.
>      * _How do I know that ns correctly implements these protocols?_
>        Ns has validation tests that cover many protocols, see
>        http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-tests.html. However, ultimately
>        users are responsible for verifying that ns is accurate for their
>        purposes---since we cannot foresee all the ways ns may be used, we
>        cannot test all cases with all inputs.
>      * _Are there any contributed/additional protocols not in the main
>        distribution?_
>        Yes, please see the contributed code web page
>        http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-contributed.html. The mailing list
>        archives can also be helpful (see below).
>      * _How should I get started doing something (like implementing a new
>        protocol or trying an experiment)?_
>        We recommend that you look through the tutorial (see
>        documentation, above), then start with an example program that is
>        most similar to yours (in the tutorial, or in tcl/ex or tcl/test
>        in the distribution), and then start changing things.
>      * _What should I do to compile ns to reflect my changes if I've
>        modified some .cc or .h files?_
>        go to ns directory and run "make" or "make depend; make"
>      * _How do I subscribe to the ns-users mailing list? How do I search
>        old list archives? I can't take any more---how do I get off this
>        list?_
>        To subscribe or unsubscribe, see
>        http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-lists.html. The list archive is at
>        http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-lists.html.
>      * _What if I have a question that's not answered here?_
>        If you've checked the installation problems and bug fixes web page
>        (http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-problems.html) and there's no
>        answer to your question, you may want to file a bug report or post
>        a question to the ns-user's mailing list.
>        First, you should check the archive of the list at
>        http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-lists.html. Your question may
>        already be answered there.
>        If not, you can post a bug report using the web form at
>        http://www.isi.edu/cgi-bin/nsnam/reportbug.cgi.
>        If your question is NOT about ns implementation bugs, you may wish
>        to post to the list. First you should subscribe. Subscription
>        instructions are at http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-lists.html.
>        _Please note that mail sent to the list is publicly distributed
>        and archived. _If you have concerns about your message being made
>        public (spam harvesting of your address), please consider that
>        _before_ posting. We cannot remove messages from reciepient's
>        mailboxes or the public archive after they're posted.
>        When posting bug reports, please _always_ include information
>        including at least (the bug report form includes spaces for
>        these):
>           + what version of ns you're using,
>           + what operating system you're running on (not just Linux or
>             Solaris, but RedHat version 7.0 or Solaris 2.4---send us the
>             output of "uname -a"),
>           + what specific behavior you see (if ns doesn't compile, what's
>             the specific error; if TCP does something strange, what
>             exactly did it do [send a pointer to a packet trace]),
>           + what behavior you expected to see (if ns doesn't compile this
>             is obvious, but if TCP does something strange, why is it
>             strange, where is the TCP spec violated?),
>           + pointers to your script detailed output files,
>           + a statement that "yes, I've read the FAQ, ns-problems page,
>             and manual and I couldn't find the answer there" (or a
>             statement about why you didn't do that yet :-)
>        A reminder about mailing list etiquette:
>           + Please check the web pages and list archives before posting
>             your question.
>           + Please keep the body of your post to simple ASCII, not HTML.
>           + Please do _not_ send large attachments (if what you have is
>             bigger than a few kilobytes, put it on a web page and send a
>             URL)
>           + Before posting a question like "did people see my post" or
>             "the list seems down", please check the archives (you can
>             answer this question more accurately by checking yourself
>             rather than asking).
>           + Please don't post subscribe/unsubscribe requests directly to
>             the list, use the lists' information page. (see the web page
>             mentioned above for details).
>      _________________________________________________________________
> ----------------------------------------
> From sen...@hotmail.com Tue Sep 16 08:05:11 2014
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> From: Atif Alghamdi <sen...@hotmail.com>
> To: "ns-users@ISI.EDU" <ns-users@isi.edu>
> Subject: Cluster-Based AODV
> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 16:04:14 +0100
> Importance: Normal
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> =0A=
> Dear all=2C
> I am looking for the source code of  Cluster-Based AODV  . Are there anyone=
>  have an idea how can I get it? because it will be very useful for me.
> Thanks                                                                        
>           =
> --_b1fbc365-2754-482e-b54a-2279dff318e0_
> Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
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> --></style>=0A=
> <div dir=3D"ltr">Dear all=2C<br><br>I am looking for the source code of  Cl=
> uster-Based AODV&nbsp=3B . Are there anyone have an idea how can I get it? =
> because it will be very useful for me.<br><br>Thanks                          
>           </div></div=
> >                                       </div></body>
> </html>=
> --_b1fbc365-2754-482e-b54a-2279dff318e0_--

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