I have 3 wireless node (  Source *Node 0 *       ---->         Node  1
   ---->     Destination *Node 2* )

 I m using AODV routing protocol and sending paket  from 0 to 2.
And I want to add my info to aodv paket, This info don t be so much.

I plan to have 4 type info as below, H*ow can I add my info type (*for
example* lcm or *its number like *1) into aodv packet. ??*

*L*ife *c*ritical *m*essage  -->  1 (lcm)
*s*afety *w*arning            --> 2  (sw)
*t*oll collection               --> 3  (tc)
*oth*er (internet etc)       --> 4  (oth)

Shortly I  try to send different info( lcm/1, sw/2 ,tc/3 or oth/3) from
Node 0 to Node 2,  And When I look trace file,I want to this info.. If you
help me ,I will be happy


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