The problem, is grid_click only work on default form
Emerson Vier

-----Original Message-----
From: rmrsoft <>
Sent: domingo, 19 de julho de 2009 09:58
Subject: [nsbasic-ce] Re: Grid click

I don't have much experience of multiple forms, but if you want multiple grids 
I find it easier to put them both on the same Form and then use the MOVE 
command to decide which one is 'live'

 So you get:

 AddObject "grid","grid",9000,0,240,150
 AddObject "grid","grid1",9000,0,240,150

 Then to use the first Grid use

 grid1.Move 9000
 grid.move 0

 And to switch to the second grid

 grid.Move 9000
 grid1.move 0



 --- In, "EMERSON VIER" <emersonv...@...> wrote:
 > I use the "AddObject"
 > Sub Form1_Load()
 > On Error resume next
 > AddObject "grid","grid",0,0,240,150
 > If err Then
 > MsgBox "Grid control not installed. Please check the ReadMe file's section 
 > on ""Install Device Components"" for more information.",,"Grid"
 > Bye
 > End If
 > On Error Goto 0
 > grid.cols=3
 > grid.rows=4
 > grid.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "Kenny"
 > grid.TextMatrix(1, 0) = "Carmen"
 > grid.TextMatrix(2, 0) = "Kyle"
 > grid.TextMatrix(3, 0) = "Eric"

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