Hi All,

I'm creating arrays based on my form names on the fly using NSExecute.  Form 
names are read from a text file, so they're not known until run-time.  For 
example, I have form named "Provenience" so I create a array to store that data 
named Provenience.  The size of the array is based on the number of controls 
that save data to files.  So if there are 4 controls on the form, the code that 
does this is:

NSExecute "dim " & CurrentForm & "(" & UBound(ControlsToWrite) & ")"

where CurrentForm = "Provenience" and ControlsToWrite is an array of 4 control 
names (Ubound returning 3).

This works great with no errors.  The problem is in certain cases, I need to 
expand this array to hold data not stored in a control (it's being tracked 
internal to the app).  I have used NSExecute with "Redim preserve" before 
(including in this app), but for some reason it does not want to cooperate in 
this specific case:

NSExecute "Redim preserve " & CurrentForm & "(" & UBound(ControlsToWrite)+1 & 

I've tried even hardcoding this with no luck:

Redim preserve Provenience(5)

No matter which way I try, I get a VBScript failure - line x, char 6 (just past 
Redim?) with no other information.

Any ideas?  I'm totally stuck as to why this won't allow me to do it.


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