I have to upload files, and a nice thing to do is run a checksum at the client 
and server and verify that the checksums match.

When I upload a file, I also upload another parameter with the computed SHA256 
checksum.  As the server processes the upload, it generates a SHA256 checksum, 
too, and compares it to the uploaded parameter.

Also, make sure your server and the value from NSBasic are in the same case 
(lowercase or uppercase), as that could lead to an erroneous failure.

It is pretty easy to run a SHA256 checksum on a server, but here is how to do 
it in NSBasic/CE:

AddObject "newObjects.utilctls.SFMain", "file"
AddObject "newObjects.crypt.HashObject", "hash"

Function sha256Checksum(checksum_filename)
   Dim result, handle
   result = ""
   If file.FileExists(checksum_filename) Then
      Set handle = file.OpenFile(checksum_filename,&H40)
      hash.InitHash "SHA256"   
      hash.HashData handle.ReadBin(handle.Size)
      result = hash.Value
   End If
   sha256Checksum = result
End Function

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