George, Would there be a function in "coredll" by the name of "CreateCursor"


This would aallow for the re-sizing of a cursor, to make it more visible.

This article

has this paragraph:

Use of the Any data type. Instead, declare "As Any" parameters "As Variant," 
for example: 
Declare Function ClipCursor Lib "Coredll" (lpRect As Variant) As Long

This applies to the following subs/functions: AppendMenu(), ClipCursor(), 
CreateBitmap(), CreateCursor(), CreateDIBPatternBrushPt(), CreateProcess(), 
CreateThread(), CreateWindowEx(),DeviceIoControl(), FlushInstructionCache(), 
FlushViewOfFile(), FormatMessage(), GetObject(), HeapFree(), HeapReAlloc(), 
HeapSize(), HeapValidate(), InsertMenu(), IsBadReadPtr(), IsBadWritePtr(), 
MapWindowPoints(), ReadFile(), ReadProcessMemory(), RegQueryValueEx(), 
RegSetValueEx(), SendMessage(), SetDeviceGammaRamp(), SetDIBits(), 
StretchDIBits(), SystemParametersInfo(), TlsSetValue(), UnmapViewOfFile(), 
VirtualAlloc(), VirtualFree(), VirtualProtect(), WnetEnumResource(), 
WnetGetUniversalName(), WnetOpenEnum(), WriteFile(), WriteProcessMemory(). 

They also reference to a document"WinCEAPI.txt" which I am having trouble 

Also, the "gwes Module" listed under Common Windows CE Modules, just below the 
coredll Module

shows a cursor component described as  a "Microsoft® Win32® cursor application 
programming interface (API) component."  using the "Cursor.lib"

Very confusing, I'd be happy being able to change the size of the existing 
cursor, for readability.



--- In, "George Henne" <g...@...> wrote:
> The only option is the WaitCursor, which you use to let the user know
> that your app is busy.
> >Is there a method of Changing the Mouse Cursor, different cursor
> >replacing the arrow with another cursor file, or enlarging the existing
> >Cursor with NSBasic?
> >
> >I cannot find any .cur files on the mobile device. Control panel<Mouse
> >does not have any tabs about Pointers.
> >
> >Any info is appreciated
> >
> >Ben
> >
> >
> >
> >------------------------------------
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